--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, cardemaister <no_reply@...> wrote:
> > Science grows out of doubt. Religion grows out of wonder. 
> > Between the two is philosophy; it has not yet decided -- 
> > it goes on hanging between doubt and wonder. Sometimes 
> > the philosopher doubts and sometimes the philosopher 
> > wonders: he is just in between. If he doubts too much, 
> > by and by he becomes a scientist. If he wonders too 
> > much, by and by he becomes religious. That's why 
> > philosophy is disappearing from the world -- because 
> > ninety-nine percent of philosophers have become 
> > scientists. And one person -- a Buber somewhere, or 
> > a Krishnamurti somewhere, or a Suzuki somewhere -- 
> > great minds, great penetrating intellects, they have 
> > become religious. Philosophy is almost losing its ground. 
> > Osho.
> But when/if LHC, a bit oxymoronically, "discovers" the "final
> chandas" (RSi-devataa-chandas), at least physicists are
> kinda "forced" to become religious??
> http://project-cernland.web.cern.ch/project-CERNland/

What a bunch of arrogant, pretentious religionist crap,
both from Osho and from Card. Religion isn't about 
"wonder," it's about it's opposite, certainty, or
belief in either a dogma or an inner vision caused
by believing that dogma. At least Card is honest about
what he really feels -- he wants to *force* scientists
to believe in religion. That's the whole problem with
"TM science" in a nutshell, the 'tude that "We already
know the truth, because religion has told it to us.
All we need to do now is find some way to cook the
data to make it look as if science agrees with us. 
Then all those other scientists will finally have to
agree with us, because we were RIGHT all along."

Fortunately, many scientists prefer to remain scientists,
and leave the religion to the gullible.


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