It's my opinion that American's just don't value anything that is free. 
Everythings value is determined by price and hence the high price of TM

--- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> I'll teach any homeless person for free (if they are stable enough).  
> But it won't be TM but the meditation technique I been given to teach 
> through my tantra studies.  It included shaktipat for the "jump start."
> On 08/30/2011 02:39 PM, seekliberation wrote:
> > I know well over a dozen close friends and family very intrigued by TM, but 
> > $1500 is way out of question.  $375 would be great, even $500 is 
> > reasonable.  I'm sure many TMer's know many friends that are in the same 
> > boat.
> >
> > Apparently, either TMO or MMY are not good at math.  Perhaps some people in 
> > America could drop $1500 easily, but there are also many working class 
> > people who are barely making ends meet who could benefit a lot from TM.  
> > The $1500 price, IMO, is putting it out of reach for those who get their 
> > hands dirty for a living.  A basic working class man/woman who makes 40k 
> > per year who wants a decent place to stay and medical care along with 
> > children/family, can kiss a $1500 spiritual technique goodbye.
> >
> > This whole 'Top-Down' theory is what I think partly inspired the ridiculous 
> > price.  The idea was to get rich, wealthy, powerful and famous people to 
> > practice, and all of a sudden it would trickle down, just like Reaganomics. 
> >  Hopefully the whole DLF thing works out.  But I doubt we're going to have 
> > a mass population take up the practice given the current price.
> >
> > seekliberation
> >
> > --- In, nablusoss1008<no_reply@>  wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >> --- In, "sparaig"<LEnglish5@>  wrote:
> >>> Everyone constantly harps on how much TM costs. They are full of it.
> >>>
> >>>  From the David Lynch website:
> >>>
> >>> Funding Target: $75,000 per year for each specially trained teacher to 
> >>> provide an intensive 12-month program of individualized instruction and 
> >>> follow-up in the Transcendental Meditation program for 200 at-risk 
> >>> veterans. Total funding: 50 trainers to serve 10,000 at-risk veterans: 
> >>> $3.75 million.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> That's $75,000/200 = $375 per vet including initial instruction and  
> >>> regular checking in a formal setting for 12 months.
> >>
> >> Nice.  With the huge success the DLF is having around the world this could 
> >> easily by the new policy adopted by the TMO !
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >

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