--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi" <raviyogi@...> wrote:
> Curtis,
> I have to say, you in this response are a poor caricature of your image
> you try to portray here on FFL. 

I am not portraying any image, we were discussing a topic of interest.  This is 
the beginning of your ad hominem slide.

I used the example of the life in a
> housing project to illustrate on how the social changes are just
> superficial and how they result in merely new rules and new games. 

And I was showing that this example was shortsighted in a discussion about the 
achievements of MLK. It also was a classically stereotypical caricature of 
black society.  You amend this view below and I believe you vastly improve the 
impression you give of your understanding of the poor part of black society.

> not for the fact that I have been living in this country for 20 years
> and am speaking to an American audience I would have very well used
> examples from India. I have as much disgust for hypocritical repressed
> values of India and I have never hesitated in articulating them. I still
> have my emails from last year when I blasted the traditional
> conservative values of Indian men.

Alright, but that was not our topic was it?

> I hate to have to disappoint you in your weird fantasies and twisting of> my 
> words into portraying me as being a judgmental person.>

Let me stop you there.  I don't have weird fantasies about you, I was reacting 
to the actual words you chose to write.  I disagreed with them. You are a 
highly judgmental person Ravi, as am I.  Are you concerned that I am thinking 
of you as a prejudiced person?  No.  I thought you were expressing naive 
opinions about a culture you didn't have much exposure to.  I was wrong about 
that.  But I still disagree with your reduction of black society into ghetto 
criminal life in a discussion of the achievements of MLK.

< I totally love
> white and black people or any other race. But I'm definitely partial in
> my love for the black people. I have had an excellent time with blacks,
> my professor and the secretary at the reading department of the black
> school I attended. I used to be touched by the genuine love and
> compassion that these church going people showed. I loved black gospel
> music, enjoyed rap music, I just loved the heart centered-ness of the
> black people even when I used to be occasionally cursed while working in
> the housing projects. I found them to be very authentic. Even at the age
> of 22 I recall enjoying stimulating conversation with the older blacks
> at the housing projecting, the ones who probably watched the likes of
> MLK in person. I certainly saw many who were lucky and/or could see this
> game and successfully transitioned out of the projects.

Then you should be more sensitive to writing off the achievement of MLK by 
using the criminal element in poor societies as somehow meaning he achieved 
nothing.  His achievement was not only for black culture.  It liberated white 
culture from such overtly un-American race relations.  It was not meant to 
solve all the problems of personal prejudice, it was meant to provide legal 
remedies for the inequality.  And by integrating schools and workplaces, 
"mixing the races" (hated by racists), the newer generation has far less 
prejudice, so it worked in that way too.

> So take your projected bullshit elsewhere. Judy is spot on in her
> assessment, you can't come to grips with your shadow and it is painful
> to watch Mr. Wonderful turn into Mr. Hideous. Or what I state
> differently, a pain projecting liberal with childish vengeful fantasies
> now projected into some grand social utopian ideal and worship of pseudo> 
> spiritual icons.

And shifting the discussion to what a bad guy I am personally is not gunna work 
any better for you.  I am not advocating worship of MLK, I was challenging your 
dismissal in favor of a more balanced appreciation.  Your little list of 
pseudo-spiritual icons has nothing to do with me.  You might be overusing the 
term "projection" for a reason.

> May be you are going through a hard time since the recent earthquake,
> may be it has shaken more than the earth for you, if so I hope you soon> get 
> a grip and get over it.

Your parting shot ad hominem isn't gunna fly Ravi. I wrote what I did, based on 
the content of your post, because I sincerely believe it was short-sighted and 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> >
> > - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi" raviyogi@ wrote:
> >  > Thanks, equality and justice are always fascinating concepts. It's
> never bound to succeed but there is great satisfaction for the pain
> projecting liberal. There is no need to look inside and since the
> concept of equality and justice is bound to be a failure, you can always
> blame the ignorant gullible masses, corrupt politicians for your
> failure. That the society is not ready for your beautiful, intelligent
> utopian ideals.
> > > >
> > > > MLK has come and gone. Sure he was a nice guy but all he did was
> establish a new set of rules. The oppressor oppressed game continues on.
> Both have adapted and found new reasons to oppress and be oppressed.
> >
> > ME:
> > MLK is more than a "nice guy" for people who understand his work.  He
> was a brave patriot who has helped his country live up to the ideals of
> its constitution.
> >
> >
> >
> > > >
> > >
> > > I worked at housing projects in Huntsville, AL for 3 years>
> >
> > ME:
> >
> > Now I hope this is not a prelude for an analysis of a whole racial
> group by its poorest members.  This is the tactic of those groups I was
> telling you about who share your disdain for MLK but would never admit
> you because of your excessive brownness.  Do you think I should take
> time spent with the "slumdogs" of your own country as an indication of
> the potential and the basic nature of all Indian people?
> >
> > But I'm sure you are above laying out a list of negative stereotypes,
> let's see where you take this...
> >
> >
> > <when I was in school and I couldn't the gall, the creativity and the
> sophistication of the oppressor.>
> > >
> > > All they had to do to oppress was create a big subdivision with free
> housing, food stamps,
> >
> > ME:
> >
> > Let me stop you there.  Subsidized housing and food stamps is one of
> the things our tax dollars pay for so every street intersection is not
> populated with a woman thrusting her baby at your car and crying
> "baksheesh."  It is one of our social services, which although not
> perfect, is not a way anyone is being oppressed.  It is a lifeline.  I
> know people who escaped those conditions due to that leg up.
> >
> > < throw in drugs and guns, fill it in with the oppressed and have
> racist cops bully them from time to time; trap the oppressed or let them
> kill each other.>
> > >
> > > I was even more frustrated and pained by the attitude of the
> oppressed. The single mother with loads of children, the child also
> carrying the free hand out mentality fighting with others in a battle
> for survival of the fittest.
> > >
> > > The 13 year old who was just started dealing drugs with wads of
> cash, the 15 year old who now has a nice Chevy with kick ass wheels and
> sound. The 17 year old with a gun who's now ready to battle other gang
> members, the 22 year old who's just back from a 3 year stint in jail and
> can't compete with the newer kid. The 27 year old who now thinks
> stealing stuff from the mall us much easier. The 33 year old former drug
> dealer now turned drug addict who now pimps his girl friend so they both
> can get high. The 40 year old winos who get high on $1 cheap wine,
> wasted and unconscious on the side of the street.
> > >
> > > If all this fails there is the cheap souse meat, luncheon meat,
> cheddar cheese combo with cheap soda that is sure to result in cancer or
> heart issues.
> >
> > ME:
> >
> > You should take some time to hang out in Appalachia to understand how
> all white people are.  Where I live we have ghettos, but we also have an
> African American as the president of the United States.  We have a rich
> community of African Americans in the middle and upper classes whose
> situation I interact daily in my school work.  They don't casually
> dismiss the work MLK did to transform their lives.
> >
> > >
> > > Yeah MLK was a great success and he will be really proud at a job
> well dine.
> > >
> >
> >
> > Me:
> >
> > There is legal protection for people discriminated against because of
> race.  This did not exist before the civil rights movement.  I recommend
> you crack a book about what America was like before that movement. And
> what the marchers in that movement put up with to force better schools
> to take African American kids to be taught alongside white kids. 
> Schools are based on property taxes so it is built-in that the best
> equipped schools were in white high property tax areas.  By allowing
> African American kids to escape the situation you describe, they get a
> chance to better their situation, even with their tough family lack of
> support holding them back.  I now so many unbelievably dedicated
> educators making this happen every day.
> >
> > But as Judy pointed out, you believe you have a magical, spiritual
> solution to all these problems and so have disdain for people who
> actually fought on the "outer levels" to make life better for others
> like MLK. MLK who was also a believer in things spiritual and whose
> spirituality you probably see as not the right kind, you know, your
> kind, triumphalist to the end!
> >
> > But how do you expect your spiritual solutions to work, if not through
> humans, brave enough to take action.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Ravi Yogi" <raviyogi@>
> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Hey Patrons of the FFL Nightclub,
> > > > > > I have gotten tired of the pain projecting liberals of
> SF/Bayarea and
> > > > > > their false icons like Dolly Lama, GandhI, MLK, Teresa and the
> likes. My
> > > > > > fun and con only seems to stir their deep, unhealed, heavily
> bandaged
> > > > > > wounds. So I have decided to migrate south to LA. I will be
> working for
> > > > > > a company in the entertainment industry.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > I definitely think you will be able to find some chapters of
> organizations who believe that MLK was wrong to fight for equal rights
> for African Americans Ravi, and will share your disdain for them.   I
> hope you make an effort to attend one of their evening meetings and are
> able to report to us how you were received. (Hint, tell them you are a
> tanning fanatic at the door.)
> > > > >
> > > > > And there are plenty of high tech guys who lost their jobs to
> Indian outsourcing that will share your disdain for the man who forced
> the Brits to turn their little country club into the largest democracy
> in the world. "Be a good chap Ravi and run along to fix the misses and
> me another gin and tonic, and if you leave out the limes again I am
> going to have to rape your daughter in front of you...again.  Now pip
> pip, quickly, quickly you little hairless monkey."
> > > > >
> > > > > But going to LA to find LESS liberals?  Good luck with that.
> > > > >
> > > > > I'm thinking that the problem may not lie in the huge
> metropolitan populations you are painting with such a broad stroke. 
> Might be more of a Ravi-tinted glasses thing.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > > Why LA?
> > > > > > Where else would a con artist and entertainer like me be more
> welcome
> > > > > > than Hollywood and the entertainment industry? Not to the
> mention the
> > > > > > sheer numbers of low-vibe slimeball wannabe writer types that
> can be my
> > > > > > future bitches (bhaktas).
> > > > > > What does this mean to you?
> > > > > > Lovers will not notice any slightest difference in my
> commitment, love,
> > > > > > trust and faith in the beloved.
> > > > > > The golden category of pimps(intellectuals) will continue to
> be attacked
> > > > > > and abused randomly. However the quality of service(attacks)
> will be
> > > > > > greatly enhanced due to the fact that I will have more
> experience
> > > > > > dealing with low vibe slime balls in LA.
> > > > > > The silver category of pimps(intellectuals) will as usual be
> attacked
> > > > > > using the Lover Pimp scale measurements and well toned
> strategies such
> > > > > > as Epshittamology.
> > > > > > All other categories of pimps are liable to be ignored as
> usual.
> > > > > > Good luck to me !!!!
> > > > > >
> > > > >
> > > >
> > >
> >

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