More good "meat" to bounce off of,'re on a roll.

--- In, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
<anartaxius@...> wrote:
> As far as I can see, Barry conserves his energy for what 
> he likes to do. If he does not engage in an argument, 
> perhaps he knows this, perhaps not, but he is saving 
> himself a lot of work by not engaging. It is really 
> amazing how much energy is required to maintain the 
> world of our thought intact against an outer world 
> that does not quite ever seem to fit in with them.

And wouldn't give a shit if we managed TO "maintain
the world of our thought." NOTHING in the universe
cares if our self "wins" an argument but that self.

> ...I think you spend a much greater amount of energy 
> maintaining your world view than Barry does, and 
> whatever else he may be or does, in regard to the 
> forum, he has the advantage of conserving his energy 
> because he doesn't care. He seems to be able to take 
> and leave a point of view. 


> You seem to care, and that means you have to maintain 
> a point of view. 

One of the things that Xeno didn't really touch on 
but that I will, springboarding off of his foundation,
is not just the amount of energy that the compulsive
"defender of a world view" requires to defend her POV,
but the amount of energy she expects the people she
is arguing with to expend. 

It's downright RUDE to be constantly trying to lure 
people into tarbaby arguments that you then don't allow
them to leave. The two worst offenders on this forum are
classic examples of this. Someone says something in 20 
words that offends them because it runs counter to their 
world view, and they feel compelled to reply in 200 words, 
sometimes more, taunting the original poster into "getting 
into it" with them, and defending his or her offending 
statement. If the original poster is foolish enough TO 
get into it with either of these motormouths, that's 
just the start of it; both of these compulsive arguers
will try to keep the argument going for as long as 
humanly possible, and will go so far as to insult the 
victim if he or she tries to escape. Classic tarbaby 
scenario; Uncle Remus would be proud.

OK, it's obvious that this behavior indicates that the
people who provoke such arguments have no clue about
how much energy it takes for *them* to do it. My point
is that they don't even for a moment consider the amount
of energy it requires of their *victims* to participate 
in it. Their whole world view seems to be, "OF COURSE 
it's worth your time and energy to argue with me; I'm 
worth it, because...uh...because I'm ME!" It's totally 
ego-based, with no care whatsoever for whether the 
other person considers the point being argued about 
important or considers the person trying to lure them 
into an argument important. The only important thing 
for these two compulsive motormouths -- as far as I 
can tell, from my POV -- is that people focus on them, 
read every word they write, and are willing to be 
sucked into long arguments about the things they write.

Bzzzzzzzt. Can you say NOT WORTH MY TIME? I think 
you can. Think of the energy saved by just realizing
what these people are up to, what their game is, and
then refusing to play. I never have to expend any of
my energy even reading the stuff they write, much
less arguing about it. 

I can instead spend whatever energy I wish to devote
to this forum bouncing off of ideas like the ones you
brought up in this series of posts and having fun with
them. As you say, I don't have to argue about my 
"having fun" posts, or defend anything I say in them,
I can just write them for fun. Thanks for writing --
and acting -- in such a way as to make that possible,
Xeno. It's the polar opposite of what both Judy and
Robin do.

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