On Sep 12, 2011, at 2:31 AM, maskedzebra wrote:

> Sal,
> You refer  to my "childishness", my "insulting him amongst themselves", and 
> that this is "mean-spirited and desperate." That it is "sad, really".
> Although I have enjoyed a somewhat cheerful exchange of posts in the past 
> with you, I am going to hold you accountable for the absurdity of every one 
> of these charges and characterizations of my posts regarding your friend.

I know Barry the same way most others do here.

> First of all, there is not one word you have used to describe what I did that 
> comes from your experience. In order to make believable such a judgment as 
> you have made, you have to demonstrate that you have made contact with an 
> experience out of which these words arise. You haven't done this. You have 
> instead, decided to construe my posts within a point of view which is 
> predetermined and non-interactive with the reality of what those posts are.

WTF??  This is my *opinion,* Robin~~
of course it isn't set in stone.
I could care less if it's "believable"
for anyone else or not.  If you think
I'm raving and making stuff up out of
whole cloth, that is certainly your right.

> I challenge you to tell demonstrate anything in what I wrote about your 
> friend which in any way whatsoever warrants any of the words you have applied 
> to my posts (about him).

Many of your posts do Robin, in which you,
over and over, refer to him in the third
person and engage in other not-so-nice
tactics.  That is my *opinion.*

> This is a serious moral and existential failure on your part to do justice to 
> the spirit within which I wrote those posts about your friend.

I'll live.

> I deny categorically that anything you say here is true, and if there is the 
> slightest truth in what you say, then you should experience, in reading this 
> post, the false relationship that exists between my implicit justification of 
> those posts (the honourability of my intention, as well as the substance of 
> what I wrote) and those posts as they registered inside of you when you read 
> them. Just because you object to what someone has said about someone you like,

It has nothing to do with "objecting to what someone
has said" about Barry or anyone else.  It's just
basic fairness vs. tactics that are *not.*  Methinks
if you got over your need to twist what I wrote 
every which way and just looked at your take on 
Barry the way someone not privy to your every thought-process
might, that maybe you'd understand better where
I was coming from.  Or not.  


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