This movie seems a little silly to me, from what I have read about it - the 
flip side of the carefully orchestrated "celebrations" that the TMO puts on. In 
any case, wouldn't anyone's opinion of all of this really depend on their 
personal experience of the techniques like TM, TM-Siddhis, etc.? Does anyone 
think their mind would be changed by this movie? The people who didn't get much 
out of their techniques will see it as vindication and those who did get a lot 
out of their techniques probably aren't interested. Just fodder for gossip as 
far as I can tell.

--- In, Bhairitu <noozguru@...> wrote:
> On 09/26/2011 04:45 PM, Vaj wrote:
> > On Sep 26, 2011, at 3:35 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> >
> >>> Back to the movie. It seems honest to me. He goes through stages of 
> >>> mounting concern. He genuinely liked TM. Seeing the initiation day scene 
> >>> really brought me back. What magical fun that all was. I wonder if Guru 
> >>> Dev would step out of the picture and slay me if I initiated someone 
> >>> again? He might use that backwards Nazi symbol as a Chinese throwing star 
> >>> and lop off my head. (Sorry easily distracted today for some reason.) Or 
> >>> maybe he might try to use that staff on me. I think I could take him if 
> >>> he pulled that. Unless he was David feak'n Carridine with that thing, he 
> >>> couldn't swing it fast enough to neutralize my mad Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. 
> >>> (Perhaps I shouldn't try the puja again until my spontaneous fantasy is 
> >>> not grappling with Guru Dev? In my defense it was the Ultimate Fighting 
> >>> Championship mixed martial arts weekend, so I watched a lot of man on man 
> >>> action.) I guess he would zap me with a laser out of his third eye anyway 
> >>> so the world is still safe from me gett'n my Karpora gorum on anytime 
> >>> soon. But my point is that movie made me think of it, the scenes are 
> >>> sweet and nostalgic for me. (Like that is gunna de-blaspehemize the 
> >>> preceding paragraph!)
> >> One would wonder what Brahmananda Saraswati would really have thought of
> >> the TM movement? Maybe not what you think.
> > I think it's clear from both SBS's teachings and his feelings on how the 
> > teaching should be propagated that he would have considered Mahesh a rogue 
> > and his teaching an aberration. From what I've heard other "non-bought" 
> > Shanks say, Swarupananda's words ring very "right on". Remember where he 
> > says [SPOILER] at the climax of the movie:
> >
> > "What you have learned from Mahesh Yogi will not bring you spiritual 
> > progress."
> >
> > These could have been the very words of Swami Brahmananda Saraswati IMO. I 
> > doubt very much SBS would have said anything different from his successor.
> The movie pretty much makes MMY out to be a charlatan or con artist.  
> That is really going to upset a few here.  Some will like the idea that 
> he "invented TM in his garage" the Horatio Alger story.  But in most 
> traditions they like sticking to the rules because down through the 
> centuries they've seen too many people going crazy when they strayed.  
> It's very much like the martial arts, you can only teach if you achieve 
> a certain level.

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