Sometmes, "doubling down" on a previous embarrassing moment,
still pretending it's not one, and still obsessing years later, deserves
a comment. I saw this church billboard today, which provides the
perfect one.

Try to even *imagine* a person so obsessed as to have written the
stuff below, *still* holding on to the ludicrous claim of a "death
threat," after all these years. Do you think she ever thinks of
anything BUT Barry?  :-)


--- In, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, Tom Pall <thomas.pall@> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Watch out, Judy.  This could happen to you.
> >
> > Watch out yourself, Tom. Based on past FFL history,
> > someone is likely to claim that you made a death
> > threat against them.  :-)
> Um, no. Tom is being kind enough to give me a warning,
> whereas Barry made a *prediction*, remember? Because
> raunchy and I were, according to Barry, "dumb angry
> cunts too stupid to live."
> (And why were we "dumb angry cunts too stupid to live"?
> Because we'd made some negative posts about Obama. This
> was back during the primary campaign. In light of the
> current situation, I'd say we were prescient.)
> Anyway, the most fascinating aspect of that episode was
> that when in a different thread I mentioned in passing
> (parenthetically and metaphorically) that women here
> had been the target of a lot of "misogynistic vomit
> (including death threats)," nobody knew what I meant by
> "death threats."
> Except Barry.
> I hadn't named him. But he knew exactly what I was
> referring to and even went on to quote the post of his
> in which he'd fantasized about raunchy and me undergoing
> spontaneous combustion because we were "dumb angry cunts
> too stupid to live."
> He had absolutely no trouble making that connection. He
> fought it tooth and nail, of course, because "death
> threat" was so uncomfortably close to describing his
> murderous misogynistic rage against raunchy and me.

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