On Sun, Oct 16, 2011 at 8:52 AM, Buck <dhamiltony...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Turqb, what a fabulous opportunity in life that you had, to have been there
> at that very pivotal moment of world consciousness in the 20th Century.
>  That Merv Griffen show.  Would be like having witnessed the moments of
> Eckhart Tolle on Oprah, a moment of broad change in world consciousness.
> You, should just shake off this faint-heartedness of yours and be with us
> here in Fairfield again.  It would do the world some good also.  Bring
> CurtisDB along too.  I pray for you.
> Jai Adi Shankara, -Buck
Usually, I just delete posts from this fellow.  But I happened to read this
one and found it amazing.  It revealed much about me.  I discovered reading
this that I increasingly take life as it is.  There's no need for drama.
I'm OK without it.

There appear to have been long stretches of time as hunter gatherers in
which things didn't change much at all, that a new discovery happened once
every hundred thousand years.  But a couple thousand years ago things sped
up and they are speeding up more and more.   How on Earth can someone
believe he is so special that he is in a millenia time, an end of the Old
Days and the beginning of the New Age?   That wasn't so every single year
over the last couple thousand years?   Why is it that we, and we alone are
so special to be living in a time in which life and outlooks are changing?
Have life and outlooks not been ever changing?   Seems like at a certain
level of psychological development we need to believe that we're not just
living in a changing world, we're living in the Golden Age, the Dawning of
the Age of Enlightenment.   Can't we just, perhaps be living, gathering more
common knowledge and experience, with natural ebbs and flows just as the
latest fashion has skirts long this year, shorter next year?

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