On 10/25/2011 11:54 AM, Bhairitu wrote:
> On 10/25/2011 09:49 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
>> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu<noozguru@...>   wrote:
>>> This film did not get great distribution in the states. Wonder
>>> why?  It's mainly available streaming on Vudu.com and YouTube's
>>> pay movie section at the "still in theaters" rate.
>> That's really too bad. This is one of the best American
>> films I've seen all year. Second-time writer/director
>> J.C. Chandor did a *tremendous* job in it, especially
>> with "translating" the arcane mysteries of trading into
>> language the viewer can understand.
>>> Wall Street obviously does not like these kinds of movies or
>>> want the public to see them.
>> I would tend to agree. If I were them, I would be cowering
>> in my bed praying that no one sees it. They'd fear exactly
>> the fate I wrote about in my original review -- being dragged
>> out of their houses by angry mobs and beaten to death.
>> The point I was trying to make in my review is that I don't
>> think that the characterizations in this film are *in any
>> way* hyperbolic or overdrawn. They're ACCURATE. This is
>> how the people who precipitated the crisis of 2008 and the
>> enduring legacy of it we live with every day think, and act.
>> I was SO relieved when I got out of that environment and
>> back into more hard-core IT environments. "Back in the day,"
>> when I was a TM teacher and working for the Regional Office,
>> I had occasion to spend time in some of the prisons in which
>> TM was being touted or even tried out. I am being completely,
>> totally honest with you in saying that they subjectively felt
>> more high-vibe to me than the Wall Street firms I worked in.
>> The ambiance couldn't have possibly been more high-tech and
>> swanky. There is a reason the people who work there come to
>> think of themselves as the Masters Of The Universe. But to
>> me, subjectively, when I stopped focusing on the code I was
>> writing and sat back and "felt the vibe" of the place, it
>> was more like Mordor. These are not nice people. And they
>> make decisions every day that affect your life profoundly.
> I'll probably pop for it tonight.  I just know it will appear Netflix WI
> in another month because Lionsgate is the distributor.

According to this article it will release next week on DVD and BD, which 
will mean the price will go down more on VOD:


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