--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra <no_reply@...> wrote:

I'll run this straight till your reveal of the theater aspect.

> You're too subtle for all of us, Curtis. But I declare your response here to 
> Judy BS. But it is Curtis BS, which, as I say, is something more complex and 
> intricate than can be grasped or understood by a mind less than your own. But 
> I will make a bet with you: I am confident there is a dark side to Curtis—and 
> it is possible to provoke this unacknowledged side of you. Are you willing to 
> go on the record and say: No, I don't have a dark side, and no one therefore 
> can draw out of me that which does not exist?

I have more than a dark side, I am completely black inside.  I have my share of 
antagonistic discussions here.  But I find that if I can get past that if a new 
post comes in from a friendly spot from someone I have been fighting with, it 
is an opportunity that I don't want to piss away with some version of"Yeah well 
that isn't what you said before butthole."  I believe in the constant ability 
for all of us to achieve redemption.

> you make up your own reality. You deconstruct the reality of others. You 
> impose your own context. You take away the context of other people.>

Around here we call that being human.

 Your positivity is a form of intense and brilliant negativity. Why is this 
positive intention and modus operandi negative? Because it simply ignores, 
tramples over, destroys, banishes the reality of another person who would argue 
with you. You are both seductive and aggressive. And your ruthlessness knows no 

Mindfuckery of the highest order.  This is not your first rodeo brother.  Black 
is white, up is down.

> You are such a master of yourself, Curtis, that you manipulate reality. I 
> have never known anyone who could do this. Your response to my letter implies 
> that I am flighty, neurotic, paranoid, hyper-sensitive, and deceived—that is, 
> on the basis of misinterpreting you.>

Then we didn't read the same post. I believe you were incorrect in your 
assumptions about where I was coming from.

 <I do not recognize these qualities in myself. But you see in your response, 
and then in this response to Judy, you cunningly uphold your game. And everyone 
who reads what you say—to me, now here to Judy—thinks to themselves: Well, I 
guess Robin and Judy were wrong, because the righteousness of Curtis, even the 
saintliness of Curtis, shines through here. And first Robin, then Judy, are 
refuted. It just feels this must be so.>

But in this case you really were both wrong about my intentions.  I am the one 
who would know having some inside knowledge on the topic of myself.  But I 
stand corrected all the time here when I misread so don't take it too hard.  We 
all get our turn. And I am prone to seeing something to take personally that 
are not there in posts. just ask Judy who is the most likely target for my 
occasional touchiness.  

> But this is just your power to remake reality into the image of what suits 
> your own purposes. No human being can claim to do what you do, Curtis. It is 
> a kind of scary and ultimate self-suficiency that is born of a tremendous 
> hatred of the authority of reality.>

This wouldn't be the same butthole who sent me a plague of bedbugs which 
required me to spend the last week bagging up everything I own and emptying 
every closet and drawer, piling up all my possessions in the middle of my 
apartment like a yard sale Tower of Babel of my whole life?  And I get to live 
this way for the next 3 weeks while my apartment is saturated by some version 
of Martin chemistry whose affects on humans haven't had time to be tested?  
Yeah, there is a bit of hater-aid in my fridge for that guy. Because if it 
wasn't evolution who turned the bat blood sucking bugs on the top of early 
man's caves into the creature who dines on us, if it was a conscious choice by 
a being who knew what a petulance this would be for man...let's just say my 
Christmas card list just got one card shorter. 

(Word to the wise, put on a very good mattress cover and check it frequently. 
Mine may have saved my ass in catching this in time.)

> Something like that.
> But I was wondering whether you would, because this really means something to 
> me, put in a good word for me with Barry. Can you do that? Like tell him you 
> are pretty sure I am not a faggot. Willing to do that? Because, as you can 
> imagine, what he said to me was pretty hurtful, although of course I tried to 
> slough it off with my predictable irony. But it has left a scar.>

You are asking me to give up all the gay humor which forces us to strike the 
difficult balance of being gay friendly and yet touch on topics bound to stir 
up homophobia all in the same linguistically well-hung package?  You are asking 
me to give up the challenge of balancing my turgid support for gay rights and 
against gay bashing with humor concerning gay culture and its sometimes comical 
intersection with straight lifestyles, insinuating by not reinforcing 
stereotypes that are hurtful and ugly, but adding just enough homo-erotica to 
make it all edgy...you want me to give up this opportunity for the cause of 
refuting Barry for not getting you the way I do?  If he can't join our reindeer 
games that is his loss and that is punishment enough.

> Hey, Curtis! This whole post that you just read here, it was my attempt to 
> pull my old extreme metaphysical theatre on you! I was just doing an Andy 
> Kaufman. Really. But do you know what? I THINK IT ALMOST WORKED. What do 
> *you* say?

Couldn't keep the "straight" face huh?  MMM. makes a man think about the 
manliness of such a man.  Is the rugby scrum just a steamy heap of Abu Ghrab  
man flesh pile?  

> No, I love you, Curtis, and you are a beautiful human being. This has been my 
> experience from the beginning. I am not about to change my mind now.
> Please give me some of that old time positivity in your response to all this.
> I am trying to get my black belt in mind-f**k. As I am sure you can see in 
> reading this post.
> May I join forces with you and give Judy hell on your behalf?

need, Judy and I are cool.  But she doesn't let me spread my wings like you do. 
 I need a whole lot of silly to keep my world spinning.

> No, you don't need any help, Curtis. And I say—in all seriousness—you are the 
> best.
> It's just what you are best at is not, when it really comes down to it, a 
> nice thing.

WTF?  The old switcherooo?

> My opinion, mind you.
> And remember: In responding to this, Be Positive.
> Your "writing buddy" Robin

Judy is fond of characterizing me as falsely positive and hiding some darkness 
at my core. I don't really get it.  Perhaps you will be the first to articulate 
how wretched I really am inside.  I mean all this blues in my life has got to 
mean something, 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@> wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > OK, I'll chalk it up to a lack of social skills.:-)
> > > 
> > > No, he is mean-spirited and toxic. az is one of Barry's
> > > chief defenders, so of course Curtis has to defend him.
> > 
> > WTF?  Jim got this right. I genuinely thought Az was joking, still do. 
> > 
> > > az and Barry and Curtis and Vaj all stick together to
> > > defend each other from criticism and attack each other's
> > > critics; haven't you noticed? (Barry and az and Vaj do
> > > most of the attacking; Curtis mostly plays defense.)
> > 
> > You know what would work better if you were trying to make this false case? 
> >  If you didn't do it in the context of you and Jim whose positive 
> > interactions with me are both evidence that I do not act this way here.
> > 
> > I have a long history of dealing with each person here on a post to post 
> > basis.  I don't care what anyone thinks of anyone else here. I don't even 
> > care if the post with me before was a fight.  If the new post is a real 
> > connection, I run with that and forget the past animosity. I am only 
> > interested in pursuing the best version of communication I can achieve.
> > 
> > We are all choosing the interactions we want with each other.  Everyone is 
> > sleeping in the bed they made themselves here.
> > 
> > I don't join feuds, I don't take tribal sides, and I wouldn't post 
> > something I didn't believe just because it supported someone I enjoy here 
> > against their feuding partner.
> > 
> > And you of anyone here should know that Judy.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > > 
> > > az's string of insults isn't even original; he cribbed
> > > it from something that's been around on the Internet
> > > forever.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> > > > <curtisdeltablues@> wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "whynotnow7" <whynotnow7@> 
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > My, what a mean spirited, toxic little person you are. I'll 
> > > > > > continue to hang out with the normal people, if you don't mind...
> > > > > 
> > > > > IMO you gave yourself the clue to the intent:
> > > > > 
> > > > > > > 1 azgrey- second driest wit on here, next to seventhray.>
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > Second clue:
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, azgrey <no_reply@> wrote:
> > > > > 
> > > > > > > Jim, as you well know, I am never one to engage in an ad hominem> 
> > > > > > > > attack.
> > > > > 
> > > > > Seems to me that he just took the premise and ran the riff on out.
> > >
> >

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