The two FFL spiritual virgins posting to each other! Like two boys in puberty 
pretending to be men. Cute! 

--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@> wrote:
> >
> > You know the sad thing? It doesn't matter if the TM-Sidhi thing was
> > when they went officially crazy (I too believe that was the major
> > turning point). It doesn't matter if the research is bullshit. It'
> > doesn't matter that Mahesh was never trained as a guru or shishya. It
> > doesn't matter that he was making up it all along.
> >
> > What matters is that they've been able to keep up appearances. Their
> > websites still look cool: esp. if you are wealthy or upper middle
> > class person who gets lots of very nice catalogues. Their advertising
> > looks on par with such high-end product lines, and thus geared to the
> > Oprahs and the ladder climbers of this world. It speaks in their
> > advert. language. And it doesn't matter if Mahesh was molesting his
> > students: he maintained an impeccable stage persona, complete with
> > make-up. etc. and that wonderful silk attire.
> >
> > And the most important part is that they have super-saturated the web
> > with this air-brushed image and they've pushed themselves to the top
> > of the search engines. If I search for anything remotely related to
> > TM or TM org products - or just plain meditation - I'm very likely to
> > have an advert. link to
> >
> > They've played and paid the game of spiritual materialism better than
> > anyone else. So that may be all it takes. People love their
> appearances.
> Thanks for your reply, Vaj. I cannot disagree with your assessment. One
> thing that never ceases to amaze me is how people can cling to beliefs
> and work tirelessly to preserve the appearance that they are true, long
> after other more reasonable people would have realized that they were
> not.
> But for me the "tipping point" into this world of clinging to
> appearances was not the introduction of the TM-Sidhi program itself but
> the rebranding of it in terms of self importance. That, essentially, is
> what the shift from "You perform the Sidhis as a way to realize your own
> enlightenment" to "You perform the Sidhis as a kind of sacred duty,
> because by doing so you become One Of The Most Important People On
> Earth, one of the select few, the holy thud of whose butt-bounces can
> bring about world peace and an Age Of Enlightenment" was. It was a
> radical shift into the world of self importance and the amplification of
> individual ego.
> And the more sense of self importance one has about one's spiritual
> practices, the greater the tendency to cling to them. An *association*
> has been created, linking the practices to the myth that YOU are one of
> the most important people on earth. YOUR woo woo is just so much more
> woo than other peoples'. They may meditate, but you perform the
> *Sidhis*, and that's just so much better, doncha know...more woo. Once
> you've bought into this -- being one of the most woo individuals on the
> planet -- it's tough to let go of it. Especially if this  sense of self
> importance is reinforced twice a day by being in a group of people who
> believe that they are equally important, and equally woo.
> So the clinging to appearances doesn't surprise me; that's just human
> nature. The surprise, as you suggest, is that those doing the clinging
> have been so successful for so long *at* preserving the appearance of
> rationality, despite the reality of their daily lives. They still sell
> the myth of "20 minutes twice a day" while living a reality of "several
> hours twice a day, and only in a group of people as special as I am,"
> never noticing that they're being hypocrites by doing so. I think it's
> the "never noticing" that makes the TMO PR engine so effective. The
> people who write it really believe it. They believe it so thoroughly
> that they don't even recognize that their own lives and lifestyles make
> what they're writing a lie.

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