--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <salsunshine@...> wrote:
> On Nov 1, 2011, at 2:37 PM, Susan wrote:
> >> 
> >> But for me the "tipping point" into this world of clinging to
> >> appearances was not the introduction of the TM-Sidhi program itself but
> >> the rebranding of it in terms of self importance. That, essentially, is
> >> what the shift from "You perform the Sidhis as a way to realize your own
> >> enlightenment" to "You perform the Sidhis as a kind of sacred duty,
> >> because by doing so you become One Of The Most Important People On
> >> Earth, one of the select few, the holy thud of whose butt-bounces can
> >> bring about world peace and an Age Of Enlightenment" was. It was a
> >> radical shift into the world of self importance and the amplification of
> >> individual ego.
> > 
> > Barry, I really think that you undermine your point by exaggerating the 
> > positions of TB's.  At least, I hope you are exaggerating it and that I am 
> > not wrong!  I don't think most people going to the Domes really think that 
> > they are all that important on the planet. They  may look down on other 
> > people and other meditation types, and probably belive that they are 
> > increasing sattva for the area and the world - so they do think they are on 
> > to something amazing. But, I still suspect that nearly everyone in the 
> > Domes is there mostly for working on their own Enlgihtenment, period. They 
> > want to get to CC or GC or just want to be "good" in the TMO eyes.  World 
> > Peace is a side benefit, but not the only reason they are there.   No, 
> > instead they want spiritual experiences, or a nap, or to be with other 
> > TB's.  Self-importance is not the main issue, imo.
> That may be, Susan.  But if so, things have changedÂ…
> since bouncing on your rear end for whirled peas has
> been presented, for quite a while now, as the main reason
> to come to the Dooms, keep up the numbers, etc.  What you
> get out of it personally is not important and hasn't 
> been for quite some time.  Even personal comfort, health
> or the care of your children takes a back seat to this
> nonsense. 

Well, if care of your kids and health take a back seat, then I can only say the 
parents are nuts. 
I do recall back in the late 70's knowing of a couple with a young baby.  They 
had returned a year earlier from a 6 month course and believed that doing their 
full siddhis program was more important than anything in the world - holding a 
job, eating with family, etc. So, twice a day they put the baby in a crib in a 
room, closed the door and went to another part of the house to "do program" for 
2 hours!!  I hit the roof when I heard that.  I always assumed that they had 
taken it all too literally. Who would treat their own newborn that way? 

In fact, I don't really know what type of people now head to the Domes each day 
out in FFld.  After all these years, if people still have such little common 
sense, then I have grossly overestimated the  mental health of the remaining 
TB's. I thought this type of thinking was long gone.

Has that changed?  How refreshing if it were
> so.
> Sal

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