Yea, I relate to your experience.  I must have missed that part about
trying to set ourselves apart.  Like you say, it was a fun time.

--- In, tartbrain <no_reply@...> wrote:
> --- In, Tom Pall thomas.pall@ wrote:
> >
> > >
> > You've got the timing wrong. I remember the first residence course I
> > on which had a governess, one of the first back from Switzerland.
> For what its worth, some recollections of the history as I saw it.
> Depends perhaps on what "first back" means relative to to progression
of courses. I was on two back to back 6 mo courses, spring of
2006-spring 2007. There was a 6 mo course before us where, as I
understand, some experimentation with sidhis was done. On my first
course, we worked on yoga sutras amd sidhis most of the six months, more
than the current standard fare, but flying was not done. And the CPs
from that course were not govs and did not go back and teach prep
sidhis. That happened for CPs in the course that ended spring of 77. We
broke into teams of four, divided up the world (ha), though that went
pretty smoothly, logically, and then went out and taught prep sidhha
courses, and flew 2x in our group.
> From what I recall, MMY did not emphasize we were special or anything,
but did emphasize to be one pointed. And simple -- "a sidha leaves the
table still a bit hungry" was said -- and was a general theme of our
activity, though sometimes more, sometimes less. And we were never told
to be aloof. We blended in and became a part of the meditator community.
Like a big group of friends. And we had some amazing CPs so humility was
natural. We were much more on the level of the meditators than the prior
org, in my view. Not like the four shanks of Regional past. Not at all
the same gig or vibe. (And not like those sleazy state coordinators, :))
> There were the famous superman posters were drawn up on that course
(in suisse) and passed around. But we saw that as more of a joke. Back
home, in the field, we focused on our program, and the teaching, which
was wonderful, the CPs were great, but was more a gig to allow us to do
our program. Which we were totally stoked on doing for our own personal
benefit. Not a we need to sacrifice and save the world thing. And
program in those days was great. Maybe because it was so new. And the
whole thing was fun. I remember we got laughing so hard, the four of us
up front during a group meeting that I fell off my chair literally
laughing. The CPs were all part of that. There was a real group
consciousness of laughter -- and respect between everyone. A very light
atmosphere. In beautiful surroundings. And amazing people would emerge
asking to be on staff, for R&B and some course credits. It was a sweet
> It was odd a bit in that we were apparently the new organization, as
state and regional coordinators were dissolved when we hit the streets.
M wanted a very flat organization with only one level between him and
the meditators and sidhas. So CPs and the community may have seen us as
a new wave and attached whatever was in their heads to that. However, we
were pretty humble and focused on our program, and getting the word out
on this new knowledge, to make it available to all of the centers in our
area. If anything we felt way unspecial and not up to the task we had
been given. But things worked out. Wonderful support from all. People
did lots of nice things to help the whole thing unfold. And we really
tried to give back and give credit to the centers.
> We heard and saw some feedback where some CPs and all would make some
superficial eal about this or that attribute of one or all of us. But it
was silly, maybe unstressing sort of thing. We did not take it
seriously. We knew we were yokels just trying to have a roof over our
heads while we did program. Program was the ting --for our own
unfoldment, not the world.
> Later it began to unravel. Lack of vigilence one of M's often used
words of the time. Details are unimportant, but within 6 months, things
did change. Not so much a being special thing, just the opposite but
more incompetence, clumsy thing. Quite unspecial in that regard.
> Overall it was fun for all (or most) I think. Consciousness playing.
> >This
> > was when the sidhis were a rocket ship for TM, which had already
> > described by Maharishi as the rocket ship to enlightenment. This
> > acted like she didn't shit, let alone did it not stink. All,
> > TMers, regarded her as though she was a body of light with flesh on
top so
> > we could see her. She never denied that she could fly, walk through
> > walls, hear our very thoughts. She actually encouraged the awe about
> > So did the other governors who came back. It appears Maharishi had
> > really hyped the 6 month course participants up, not unlike the way
> > initiators had previously been hyped up as being so very special in
> > scheme of manifest Creation. The Vedic Atom, including Michael
> > came to our area next and they acted like they were God's gift. I
got to
> > see some tapes that were meant for initiators at a former ski chalet
> > outside of Quebec which usually just ran ATRs. I guess they didn't
> > mere meditator tapes so we watched ATR tapes. Maharishi was hyping
> > initiators that they were God's gift and coaching them on how to act
> > "special" so that all would pick up on their being "special". I
> > Maharishi pumped up the participants of the first 6 month courses to
> > initiators to become governors and later TMers to take the arduous
path of
> > 8 weeks of preparatory courses in residence then 8 weeks of sidhi
> > in residence, a tough thing for a householder being not nickled and
> > by the local TM center, but pretty much fleeced of every penny they
> > Indeed this one initiator couple pinned me down and told me that as
> > initiators they were so much more deserving of taking CIC than I
was, so I
> > just had to go to the bank with them to get a check for the $6,000
> > fee. Ballsy, eh? I now know that the "experiences" we TMers were fed
> > were bogus, made up to get us to spring for the sidhis. Once again,
> > the woo-woo save the world thing started.
> >

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