
Well this is all getting a bit Jr High but I am happy to explain further once 
you read the full line on my post to Barry.

In the beginning of our conversations I just assumed you were gay. I believed 
the Lady Gaga discussions were code like "friend of Dorthy."  Over time I began 
to question my assumptions and once we emailed each other outside the more 
dramatic context of FFL I decided that I had been wrong.  But it was never a 
putdown on you to have thought that.  We both have dramatic sides that could 
lead to people thinking I was gay.  I couldn't care less.  

In the context of Barry calling you a drama-queen I don't believe he meant it 
as a gay slur, he calls Jim that all the time and he is well known as hetero.  
Perhaps in later posts he went further I don't know.

But please don't hold it against me ( unfortunate phrase I know) if in the 
beginning I speculated about your orientation.  It was sincere confusion.

--- In, maskedzebra <no_reply@...> wrote:
> And because you're one of my buds and all, I'll go even further. First,
> I'll avoid giving away the real source of the "Robin wears women's
> clothing when he posts" line that someone found so offensive here.
> Second, I'll promise not to reveal the details of any of those private
> email exchanges that some on the vigilante squads have accused us
> of having behind their backs in our continuing attempts to tell lies
> about them, TM, Maharishi, and the American Way. Third, I'll
> listen to more of the Delta Blues from time to time, even though
> it's not my favorite kinda music. [BW: November 2, 2011]
> RESPONSE: Am I to take from this disclosure by B, Curtis, that you have 
> falsely and knowingly implied there is a real source to this "Robin wears 
> women's clothing when he posts"? It sounds as if you have stated to B that 
> you indeed have evidence of my more than feminine side. I challenge you to 
> deny this in the strongest terms, since it is absolutely false. And I accuse 
> you—if you insinuated to B that you did in fact possess such evidence—of 
> being a liar and a deceiver. A real Iago kind of guy.
> What's the deal here, Curtis? Did you let B know that his suspicions about me 
> were founded in fact? And you have have access to this fact?
> This, if it is true, is the ultimate deal-breaker. And it dishonours your 
> name—unless you can, of course, explain yourself.
> Robin
> --- In, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > Barry,
> > 
> > 
> > <That's where I think the real connection to FFL -- especially recently
> > -- comes in. This place has been a hotbed of people asserting that they
> > not only have the right to try to change people they don't like, they've
> > been asserting that it's some kind of ethical or moral duty, and that
> > anyone who *doesn't* "do as they do" and try to impose their view of how
> > things should be on others is ethically deficient.
> > 
> > Bzzzzzt. As Curtis has pointed out so well, this just does not compute.
> > The only environment in which such a 'tude *does* compute is a cult,
> > especially one that has a history of treating its members like children
> > who "need" to be corrected by their betters. In other words, the TM
> > movement.
> > 
> > Such a sense of entitlement has no place on a forum composed of adults.
> > Adults don't really need anyone to "stand up for them" when someone says
> > something about them that they might not agree with. Adults suck it up
> > and realize that the other person's view of them is just as valid as
> > their own. They don't go around trying to impose their values on other
> > people; they just do what adults do, try to do their best to live up to
> > their own values, and allow others to do the same. Groups can't become
> > cults if the people in them act like adults. They can only become cults
> > if most of them act like children, and as if the gurus and the fellow
> > cultists around them trying to make them "more like them" are right.>
> > 
> > Hey Barry,
> > 
> > Hey listen, uh...I've been hearing some things from people that you said 
> > some things that they don't like and found offensive...and since you and I 
> > get along here pretty well...uh I was wondering if you could uh 
> > do...say,,,I not mean say anything that people might find 
> > offensive here?  Now I read your first post to Robin where you called him a 
> > drama queen and accused him of acting as if he wanted us to treat him as a 
> > special person and you really let him have it and said that you were not 
> > going to treat him that way and that he is boring to you.  Robin responded 
> > and I guess you had a few dustups after that because apparently some people 
> > here believe you were "sadistic" and "offensive" in those posts.
> > 
> > ow as you know I've been having fun in long discussions with Robin so I 
> > seem to have a different opinion of him and since we are friends and all I 
> > was just thinking that it is probably my right to ask you to think more 
> > like me now and like Robin and not say anything to him that others might 
> > find offensive.  Now I know this may be pushing our friendship a bit far to 
> > ask that you be more like me but I've been accused of having bad ethics and 
> > even encouraging you by not asking you to change in this way,so I hope you 
> > understand.
> > 
> > Just so we are clear and I can get this monkey off my back once and for 
> > all, here is what I am asking:
> > 
> > 1. Do not write things that anyone here might find offensive.  If you have 
> > any question about what this is the standard is Judy.
> > 
> > 2. If you don't like someone here and find their persona offputting please 
> > clear your objections with the rest of us before posting anything that we 
> > might disagree with. You are a bad person and you should not trust your 
> > judgement about this.  Please leave this up to the professionals.
> > 
> > 3.  When you say hurtful things to another adult on this forum it is up to 
> > me to step in with a rolled up newspaper and tell you how bad you are.  
> > This is a right I have been given because you and I don't fight here.  The 
> > reason we don't fight is not that we like each other but because of our 
> > alpha male pact which was sealed that night we crossed urine streams.  That 
> > was not gay even though we saw each other's wieners and in response to your 
> > unwarranted and sadistic chuckling at what you referred to as my "peanut", 
> > I want you to know that some are for show and some are for grow.  Just 
> > because mine is neither, you had no right to ask me if I was going to clear 
> > my zipper.  And speaking of gay topics...
> > 
> > 4. I don't think Robin is gay.  I don't know if you you were implying that 
> > he was or offensively stating it in a manor unpleasing to some other 
> > posters here, but I need you to think about him more as I do in this way 
> > too.  (And for the record if a guy wears women's clothes underneath male 
> > ones that is not trans-sexual it is just a question of comfort.)
> > 
> > 5.  I have noticed that you are not as interested in the blues as I am.  I 
> > hope you will honor my friendship rights by changing this.
> > 
> > 6.  You have been mean to Judy more than she has been mean to you by her 
> > count.  This is apparently meaningful.  Please take note.  In fact from her 
> > POV you are actually the only mean one and she has been forced (but not in 
> > a victim way) to respond to every one of your lies, misrepresentations and 
> > offensive putdowns of her for the last 16 years.  Please stop miscounting 
> > how many times she mentions you in her posts. (Please check with Judy for 
> > the technical reasons your count doesn't count.)  Please accept that her 
> > view is the objective reality and yours is wrong.  My view is also better 
> > but that is because you and I are friendly and that is my right to assert.
> > 
> > 7.  I am not clear on everything you have said to Judy but you need to 
> > change what you say so that she is never offended.  She hates having to 
> > correct you, it gives her no joy and she doesn't love it more than anything 
> > else she posts here, and despite my impression that she has spent a 
> > mindnumbing amount of time at this, it is not true that it is a lot.  It is 
> > mostly you who writes both your and her parts in the thousands of posts 
> > that I have had to click over through the years.
> > 
> > 8. I am not being friendly because I like you.  I am afraid of you and how 
> > you might say mean things to me if I don't cower to your awesome alphaness. 
> >  You are a rogue ape whose activities and misdeeds are worthy of the amount 
> > of creative time eaten up by discussing your evil ways. ( I hope this 
> > admission doesn't limit my friendship rights to change you by speaking my 
> > opinions at you.)
> > 
> > 9.  If I had any more creative energy for this topic, I would insert it 
> > here and really stick the landing inspiring the healing mirth of laughter.  
> > Please laugh out loud here the way that laughing yogi does in a 
> > fake-it-till-you-make-it way giving me credit for invoking that reaction by 
> > being very funny.
> > 
> > Well I gave it a shot everyone.  And although I know in advance that it was 
> > not good enough to satisfy your views of my obligations here, it is the 
> > best that I can do with the inconvenient intrusion of my own POV on all 
> > this.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > --- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > To some extent, I've been less charmed by the latest two episodes of
> > > HBO's "Enlightened" while watching it, but in retrospect I've realized
> > > that Mike White and Laura Dern *are* still dealing with material that is
> > > relevant to FFL and to the cult of spiritual narcissism; it's just more
> > > subtle than in the first 2 episodes.
> > > 
> > > It's now been a week since Amy has returned from her idyllic (although
> > > enforced) retreat in Hawaii. Her epiphany -- whatever it was -- had
> > > faded in significance, and now she's focused on trying to still "live an
> > > enlightened life" out in the real world. In Ep4, confronted with her
> > > first weekend, she has to figure out what to do with it.
> > > 
> > > She first decides to spend it meditating, which gives us a classic (and
> > > hilarious) opportunity to listen to her inner thoughts" in pretty much
> > > the classic TMer meditation. That is, all thoughts, no silence, all
> > > trivia and self-involvement. Her first thoughts are about being 40 and
> > > having wrinkles. Then she "comes back to the mantra" and tries to
> > > visualize something more positive, and lapses into thoughts of a happier
> > > time. But then, inspired by visions of that happy time, she sets out to
> > > recreate this fantasy happier time. And that's where the trouble begins.
> > > 
> > > She phones her ex-husband in the middle of the night, waking him, and
> > > tells him that he's just got to go off river rafting with her. At 7:00
> > > AM the next morning. And here's where the connection to TM and to
> > > cultism comes in; she doesn't *ask* him whether he wants to go, she
> > > tells him that he needs to, and makes the reservations herself. Being
> > > essentially a nice guy, he thinks she's crazy, but agrees to go anyway.
> > > They get there, are out on the river, and for a few minutes both are
> > > feeling a little of the fantasy happiness she was seeking.
> > > 
> > > But then reality intrudes. She finds that he brought along a bag full of
> > > drugs and, offended in the way that only a New Age twif can be offended,
> > > throws them away. He goes ballistic, and storms away, her following. As
> > > he finds a new stash and gets high, she harangues him with what a
> > > low-life he is, continually insisting that she's doing it for his own
> > > good, trying to get him to become the person he could be. Problem is,
> > > it's not the person he wants to be. From his POV (and, by this time, the
> > > audience's), *she* is the one living in a delusional world, and worse,
> > > she's consistently treating not only him but *everyone* around her as if
> > > they're lesser than she is. The *only* way she can imagine interfacing
> > > with these "lesser" people is to try to convert them, to infect them
> > > with her hypomania and make them more like her. Fortunately Levi (Luke
> > > Wilson) finally has it up to here with her condescending, superior BS
> > > and tells her to fuck off and leave him alone. He tells her something
> > > she has never realized, that the way she sees him makes him feel like
> > > shit, because she sees him *as* shit, compared to her and her new
> > > fantasy lifestyle.
> > > 
> > > That's where I think the real connection to FFL -- especially recently
> > > -- comes in. This place has been a hotbed of people asserting that they
> > > not only have the right to try to change people they don't like, they've
> > > been asserting that it's some kind of ethical or moral duty, and that
> > > anyone who *doesn't* "do as they do" and try to impose their view of how
> > > things should be on others is ethically deficient.
> > > 
> > > Bzzzzzt. As Curtis has pointed out so well, this just does not compute.
> > > The only environment in which such a 'tude *does* compute is a cult,
> > > especially one that has a history of treating its members like children
> > > who "need" to be corrected by their betters. In other words, the TM
> > > movement.
> > > 
> > > Such a sense of entitlement has no place on a forum composed of adults.
> > > Adults don't really need anyone to "stand up for them" when someone says
> > > something about them that they might not agree with. Adults suck it up
> > > and realize that the other person's view of them is just as valid as
> > > their own. They don't go around trying to impose their values on other
> > > people; they just do what adults do, try to do their best to live up to
> > > their own values, and allow others to do the same. Groups can't become
> > > cults if the people in them act like adults. They can only become cults
> > > if most of them act like children, and as if the gurus and the fellow
> > > cultists around them trying to make them "more like them" are right.
> > > 
> > > Me, in this rap and in any of my others, I'm not trying to change any of
> > > you and make you more like anything, much less me. All I do occasionally
> > > is point out that there are many on this forum who ARE trying to change
> > > you and make you more like them. If you like that, and like being
> > > treated like children by those who feel that they are entitled to treat
> > > you that way, go for it. I'm going to -- as Curtis suggests -- focus
> > > more on ignoring the "entitled" and hanging out with folks who are a
> > > little more like adults.
> > >
> >

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