Have you tried ping pong, Vaj?

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Nov 5, 2011, at 3:59 PM, maskedzebra wrote:
> > The issue is very simple: you lied about that episode. You lied consciously 
> > and cunningly.. There is not a single thing you said (in that original post 
> > of yours that Judy posted here last night) that bears any correspondence to 
> > the truth. VAJ: WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS? You are making a spectacle of 
> > yourself. Fly here through your Buddhism—I am at Starbucks at Bloor and 
> > Bedford—and we can talk. But if you can't levitate yourself all the way to 
> > Toronto, then you also can't keep insisting there is a particle truth in 
> > what you say about me.
> I wouldn't get so worked up about it R. What I said was true to those who 
> were present and knew what was going down. If I had a magic wand that could 
> have changed the past, I'd leave it just the way it was. Verification, 
> discrimination and recognition can be very context dependent. In the 
> aforementioned case you're lamenting so much about, over the spilled milk of 
> decades gone by, that context has come and gone. It need not be repeated. 
> We've all moved on.
> You should too.
> > There is a difference, there really is, Vaj, between what we imagine in our 
> > minds to be true (if only it was) and what goes down in reality. You have 
> > thought to make of your desires the equivalent of having been realized in 
> > actual space-time-causation; whereas those desires and fantasies remain 
> > only true in your imagination. You know this. You habitually succumb to 
> > this Walter Mittyism-Pinocchioism. I suppose, having read these most recent 
> > posts of yourself, you have no control over this. This is a pity.
> > 
> > Now if you ever said anything to me by way of showing me I was not seeing 
> > reality as clearly as you were—and you acted upon this decisively—then you 
> > should possess the legacy of this event such as to confront me here, now in 
> > all that I say.
> It's all old news for me I'm afraid. That time has long passed. I'm sorry 
> it's still lamentable for you, but I've moved on.
> > 
> > I don't sense your methodology of revealing the truth of me working for 
> > you. Your technique is powerless, and it is ridiculous. It has never 
> > influenced anything or anyone inside the universe and you know it.
> Spontaneous koans are, as I've already said, quite contextual. It's clear you 
> need to hear what it was I did that night, and there's nothing I'm going to 
> say - indeed in order to do I'd have to reformulate my mindset of 1985 (or 
> whenever it was) and hope I was conveying something still worth hearing - to 
> ears capable of hearing.
> In your case i already know they'd fall on death ears. It would seem that 
> asuriac gurus beget similar asuriac qualities, even if they're not direct 
> carbon copies. You have a very big ego. Still.
> > I'll be sitting right by the front entrance—and I will be remaining here 
> > for only the next five minutes. So be quick. Hot chocolate's on me.
> > 
> > And then we can discuss your Buddhism in earnest.
> Certain things are better lived than talked about.

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