On Nov 5, 2011, at 2:16 PM, maskedzebra wrote:

> RESPONSE: No one is transparent to anyone, Vaj.

BTW, when you point the finger of demonic confrontation at someone else, 
methinks it might be a good idea to look at the three pointing back at you:

On Mon Oct 10, 2011 3:18 pm maskedzebra 'pined:

> anyone who
> claims to be enlightened, first of all is not enlightened in the sense that 
> the
> universe or reality is getting behind that enlightenment—as it did in the case
> of Maharishi, as it did, in the case of myself; and secondly they are making
> themselves weaker as a human being than they otherwise would be were they to
> step out of their so-called enlightenment and become a normal waking state
> person again. Every guest on BatGap fits this description, and Rick's
> association with TM and Maharishi renders him far more subtle, fluent, savvy 
> in
> his conversation about things cosmic than anyone of his guests. They are all 
> in
> an illusion of one kind of another.

So are you admitting you lied or were/are the Batgappers actually transparent 
to you?

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