Dear Vaj,

By continuing to claim you took me down, or exposed that I was unenlightened, 
you prove conclusively that you have never done Transcendental Meditation, you 
never met Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and you never made contact with my Unity 

This assertion of yours demonstrates your absolute ignorance of the context of 
my enlightenment, and it is a violation of your own conscience—or, at best,  
evidence of the colossal extent of your mystical virginity when it comes to TM, 
Maharishi, and myself.

You have no idea about my enlightenment. You have no idea what went on during 
those ten years. For you to present your story to a single human being who 
attended a seminar or dinner during those ten years would result in your story 
being unconditionally condemned as an outright falsehood. This is simply what 
is the case, Vaj. For instance, my very enlightenment itself was mechanically 
leveraged off of the attempt of anyone to challenge the metaphysics of the 
context within which I acted at that time. For you to have attempted in any way 
to press me in the way you have said you did—not to mention issuing in the 
result you have proudly boasted ensued—would have resulted in an unforgettable 
experience of being put in your place, and you would then know something about 
what TM, Maharishi, and my enlightenment was all about.

Look, the whole thing is ludicrous, Vaj. Ironically, as it turns out, *I did in 
fact need to be confronted*; however that confrontation was executed by my best 
friend, whose motives were pure, whose knowledge of me was comprehensive, and 
whose inspiration was indefectible.

If you can provide any witness who will go towards establishing even a 
scintilla of evidence for what you claimed in the post that Judy has made 
available to me, I shall put myself  permanently in Coventry, and ask for your 
forgiveness. The only thing that happened in that encounter was my dogged and 
fanatical refusal to submit myself to the context of the astrological reading 
of myself, drawn up by one of Maharishi's Indian confederates—a prestigious 
astrologer. Because I considered the idea of the stars having anything to do 
with my free will the insidious subversion of my Catholic soul.

This doctrinaire rigidity and inflexibility, that may have had the appearance 
of something laughable—to those outside of the Catholic fold; but for me, I was 
being true to Mary and her grace. Or so I thought. I could not compromise 
myself. This is all. And I remember that my reasons for objecting to reading my 
chart were unassailable. So no dignity or integrity was in the least 
compromised by my stance.

There was nothing else that happened that afternoon; my enlightenment never 
came into the discussion, much less into the actual dynamics of the 
interpersonal exchanges. You know this, Vaj. That you fell into the temptation 
to concoct a false story about that incident was evidently irresistible; but 
had you talked to any person who knew me in those ten years—like for instance 
Douglas K—you would never mention this ludicrous tale again. I am surprised 
that no one has personally confronted you with the preposterousness of this 

I have said enough. Any notion that there is even, infinitesimally, any truth 
in what you have said (in what Judy posted that was one of your posts from five 
years ago) and in what you insinuate here I reject categorically. 


--- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Nov 5, 2011, at 12:02 AM, maskedzebra wrote:
> > Again, it is not a matter of being determined that no one shall know that 
> > that I have lost a battle as it were; it is a question of truth, If what 
> > Vaj said happened that day did not happen, then I need to set the record 
> > straight. It did not happen. And this is an extraordinary act of mendacity 
> > on Vaj's part.
> I'm sorry, not to be mean, but you were totally clueless at the time as to 
> what went down. Gary in particular got a real kick out of what went down, as 
> he couldn't stop laughing. And since he's mentioned it to me several times 
> since then, I know he remembers it. And he still can't stop laughing when he 
> remembers.
> Suffice to say, your unenlightenment was sufficiently proven for all of us, 
> that evening.
> Since I still use this technique on the faux-enlightened, I will not reveal 
> the technique in public.

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