--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba <no_reply@...> wrote:
> Why do you want to have sex with Ravi's wife?
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John" <jr_esq@> wrote:
> >
> > IMO, the message is that love conquers all, even lust
> > itself. With love, having sex with your wife would be
> > a divine gift. Ravi, quit kidding yourself. Be a man!
> > (See Russel Peters video clips to get this message).

Right on, Obba. It's been clear for some time that JohnR is by far
the most sexually repressed and hung up person here. Devoid of
actual experience with the other sex, all he can do *is* imagine
women and try to objectify them as performing according to the
strict limits of his closed little belief system.

Here's an interesting article on the different ways people "objectify"
those they see, both clothed and unclothed. It makes me wonder
about the Internet, and whether people as uptight as John visualize
the people they're writing to as clothed or unclothed.  :-)

The science of objectification
n>                        The common wisdom is that naked women are seen
as objects, but new research says it's more complicated than thatWhen
Sharon Bialek stepped before the press this week, she wore a  demure,
long-sleeved black dress. The 50-year-old single mom also made  sure to
detail exactly what she wore when she was allegedly sexually  harassed
by Herman Cain. This is because she and her bulldog lawyer well  know
that women are judged by what, and how little, they wear.
A  new study attempts to explain exactly how that judgment works and why
our perceptions of people rely on the amount of skin they show. It's
a  question at the heart of contentious debates about everything from 
objectification in pornography to work-appropriate attire. Typically 
it's been assumed that this is something that happens when men
perceive  women — the infamous "male gaze" — and that it
involves, as one of the  study's researchers, Kurt Gray of the
University of Maryland, put it,  "the wholesale stripping away of
mind" (in other words, viewing someone  as a mindless sex object).
"This study challenges all of those ideas,"  he told me by

As  a red-blooded woman, I don't find it at all surprising that men
aren't  the only ones capable of some level of objectification, nor
is it  unexpected that we perceive a person in their birthday suit as
having  less agency than, say, someone in a business suit. More 
intriguing, though, is that the data suggests that despite all that, our
perception of naked people doesn't involve the aforementioned 
"wholesale stripping of mind." Nakedness does change how we
perceive a  person, but it tends to make us see them as more sensitive,
vulnerable  and emotional, the researchers say. Gray explains,
"People perceive  minds along two dimensions and not along one. So
instead of seeing them  as an object versus a person, we see them as two
kinds of people. An  agent and an experiencer."

The study, "More Than a Body: Mind  Perception and the Nature of
Objectification," is actually composed of  several smaller studies,
some of which asked participants to come to  conclusions about naked and
clothed porn stars pictured in photographs.  In one exercise, images
were featured from the book "XXX: 30 Porn Star  Portraits,"
which contrasts high-quality portraits of stars like Jenna  Jameson
wearing regular street clothes with images of the same  performers
standing stark naked but, importantly, without any  come-hither
posturing. In another study, they had participants evaluate  male and
female models in photographs showing just their face, or their  face and
upper torso, in an attempt to see how perceptions change when  the focus
is on a person's body and not his or her face.

The study  itself argues that people with exposed flesh are seen as
"beings who  are less capable of thinking or reasoning but who may
be even more  capable of desires, sensations, emotions, and
passions." This may not be  the most humanizing view, but the
authors note that being perceived as  such can actually be a good thing
in certain situations — like when  you're complaining to your
doctor about a pain. In that case, it might  be beneficial to be seen as
a feeling body instead of a mind. Gray adds,  "If you're with
your partner then you might want to think of them as a  body," he
says. "If you want to make love, you want to be thinking about 
their experience and not, like, `Oh, are we planning on submitting 
these mortgage payments on time?'" It's useful for our
perceptions of  people to change, depending on the context. Sometimes
the outcome is  positive, sometimes it's negative, but Gray argues,
"Psychological  phenomena aren't intrinsically good or bad."

It's important to  note that although the research positions itself
in part as a response  to debates over objectification and pornography,
it didn't look at  actual X-rated movies or anything of the sort
— even the naked images  shown to participants were partially
censored. So it would be a stretch  to say that this study reveals
anything about how we perceive porn stars  in porn, although it might
inform further research on the  subject. The study does legitimately
raise the possibility that sexual  objectification is a more complicated
process than is usually suggested,  but what it most strongly
establishes is that naked flesh alone isn't  enough to make us
entirely discount a person's humanity.

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