
That's an excellent way to handle strangers.  Beware of wolves in sheep's 
clothing.  IOW, don't listen to false prophets.

--- In, Denise Evans <dmevans365@...> wrote:
> That might be too personal for me...I have trust issues :)  My typical MO is 
> to give these "healer" people no information about me whatsoever, so whatever 
> they are doing is not influenced in some subconscious or conscious way by 
> preconceived notions or judgements.  If I think, feel, or intuit that they 
> are being influenced heavily by either their own, or my own pathologies, I 
> stop seeing them or dismiss their conclusions.  You know too much already. 
>  I'm going to get some referrals and do some research about who is in the 
> Seattle area.  If you know anyone here, let me know.  There are a lot of 
> people out there that don't meet the grade, for me.
> Thank you, though.  BTW, were you at the Bellevue Ammachi event?  If so, 
> did you come to the free darshan day(s) or did you pay for the weekend? 
> ________________________________
> From: Ravi Yogi <raviyogi@...>
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2011 12:52 AM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: [Fairfield Life] Can an enlightened person 
> have lust?
> Screw have me now, I can entertain you..:-). It's good you found 
> something of value.
> Anyway the strongest Sign in a chart is rarely the Sun sign, in my case Sun 
> is in Capricorn. Your Sun depending on the degree could actually be in Libra 
> for your Vedic chart or sidereal zodiac.
> You can send me your horoscope to my email and you can win a free 
> personalized horoscope from the mad yogi himself..LOL..damn I still have one 
> pending for a friend of mine, but whatever.
> ________________________________
> From: Denise Evans <dmevans365@...>
> To: "" <>
> Sent: Sat, November 12, 2011 12:41:55 AM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: [Fairfield Life] Can an enlightened person 
> have lust?
> Astrology...another topic I know little's my Sun (Tropical?) sign, 
> but I don't fit the classic internet description completely.  I am not a 
> jealous person, nor into revenge, or all the other mean things they say about 
> us.  
> I've been thinking I'm going to have some version of my chart done...maybe it 
> will shed some light on WTF is going on.  It's probably not a brain 
> tumor...just years of extreme stress and difficult relationships.  I am 
> ecstatic to be by myself at this point and have never wanted to be married. 
>  Oh yeah, the kids....their SuperMom may be turning into a 
> Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Mom, it's simply quite atrocious.
> Sex is Love and Love is Sex in my ideal world :)  
> I laughed a lot through your interview (every time you grinned) but at the 
> same time, a lot of what you were saying was making sense to me on some 
> level.  Gotta go.
> ________________________________
> From: Ravi Yogi <raviyogi@...>
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, November 12, 2011 12:27 AM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: [Fairfield Life] Can an enlightened person 
> have lust?
> Oh no..not brain tumor, god I hope not. Please have it checked out. Could be 
> the cranial sacral, either way take care of yourself and sometimes it makes 
> more sense after the dust settles.
> LOL..on watching my Batgap video, I was very high, looking back the interview 
> was probably a bit premature. I agree with most of what I said, its more like 
> talking about a game while the game's still on. I can do a much better 
> post-match analysis now, but who knows may be the game's still on?? So 
> whatever happened was probably the best.
> When you say Scorpio is that Tropical zodiac? I'm a Scorpio myself, not by 
> the virtue of Sun being in Tropical Scorpio but my Mars, Venus and ascendant 
> lord Jupiter in Scorpio. So it's all about sex, sex, sex..LOL..
> What to to say about the foolishness and audacity of some of the idiots here 
> trying to think they can sell their impotent, perverted, repressed views on 
> sex unchallenged.
> ________________________________
> From: Denise Evans <dmevans365@...>
> To: "" <>
> Sent: Sat, November 12, 2011 12:12:56 AM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: [Fairfield Life] Can an enlightened person 
> have lust?
> Ravi, I get this...I completely understand this.  Also, I watched your Bat 
> Gap (most of it) interview this week.  It helped me with my current 
> situation because something very odd is going on with me energetically. 
>  Maybe its a brain tumor.  Maybe it's just that the work my cranial sacral 
> guy is doing to subtly manipulate my structure to clear the blockages and 
> allow it to receive and express "life force" energy (or something like 
> that...again, I am trying not to over think or ask too much of my brain at 
> this time) is working.  
> Also, remember, I am a Scorpio woman and haven't been shut down my whole 
> life, just the last few years and I was honestly, pretty happy about it for a 
> number of reasons :)  Now, it appears that my energy may be returning....I 
> blame it on the FFL shaktipat effect (or should I be saying "shot put".
> ________________________________
> From: Ravi Yogi <raviyogi@...>
> To:
> Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 11:54 PM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: [Fairfield Life] Can an enlightened person 
> have lust?
> Dear Denise,
> FWIW I don't say anything anything that's not my experience. I kept my 
> fucking mouth shut for 38 years - in fact I thought it was stupid to engage 
> in spiritual discussions.
> My experiences on sex match Sri Bhagwan and Osho say. I was tremendously 
> blessed by the existence to marry a woman who made me feel like an abuser, 
> pimp for daring to even entertain the thoughts of having sex with my own wife.
> I was extremely virile, with strong sexual desire but for me sex always 
> followed love so I couldn't beg my ex for sex, I was too proud nor was I like 
> John, Willytex to force myself on her because I had a fucking license to 
> sleep with her.
> I suffered tremendously with shame, guilt, my sexual fantasies. Not to talk 
> about the anger, bitterness I felt at being constantly rejected of the 
> tremendous love and attraction I felt for my ex.
> I was forced to internalize them and through the grace of Mother Kali power 
> heal and ascend.
> You can't blame for that can you? My ex was only Guru.
> Love - Ravi
> ________________________________
> From: Denise Evans <dmevans365@...>
> To: "" <>
> Sent: Fri, November 11, 2011 11:43:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: [Fairfield Life] Can an enlightened person 
> have lust?
> Damn, it always gets back to "for the enlightened one......".  I'll have to 
> make more of an effort to become "enlightened" in my next life.  
> ________________________________
> From: Ravi Yogi <raviyogi@...>
> To:
> Sent: Friday, November 11, 2011 11:11 PM
> Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: [Fairfield Life] Can an enlightened person 
> have lust?
> Denise,
> Yes - What Sri Bhagwan says is exactly what Osho would have said.
> I have said before, but I would say that for an enlightened there is lust but 
> there is no pain and suffering. Animal-like, animals have sex but it's not 
> mental, it's not in the mind (which Sri Bhagwan referred to as 
> psychological), they don't suffer from guilt, shame.
> In the absence of beliefs such as sex is sin - sex is seen for what it is 
> just a biological need. No shame, no guilt, no archetypal guilt of abuser 
> or being abused, hence no pain or suffering.
> ________________________________
> From: Denise Evans <dmevans365@...>
> To: "" <>
> Sent: Fri, November 11, 2011 11:02:09 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: [Fairfield Life] Can an enlightened person have 
> lust?
> This conversation has been kicked around plenty and is now passe.  However, 
> I'm sending this anyway.  I simply could  not understand Sri Bhagavan on 
> the video John sent so I decided to transcribe him and then I had to comment 
> below because it was so non-sensical.  I did understand OSHO - his word 
> choices came across more clearly and he was far funnier, I must say.  
> Sri Bhagavan and OSHO are trying to say the same thing...are they not?  If 
> one pulls way up and doesn't getting confused by the minutia or their 
> personal beliefs [such as OSHO stating that God raped the Virgin Mary and 
> marriage inhibits freedom (paraphrased)]?  
> Sri Bhagavan speaks more indirectly.  I think he may be trying to cater to 
> the American puritan roots and his ability with the English language may be 
> inhibiting clear thought presentation as well. OSHO always has a crazy look 
> in his eye and had me ROTFLMAO, if for no other reason than the pure 
> irreverence of his statements.  
> "Word Up"... Who has time for all that "psychological romance stuff." 
> SRI BHAGAVAN - transcribed
> Question: Does lust exist for an enlightened person?
> Answer:  Enlightened people can also have children, like unenlightened 
> people.  (Meaning that enlightened people can procreate...obviously - it's a 
> biological function.)
> If an enlightened person has got lust, we can talk about lust, 
> biologicallust.  In normal people, it is psychological lust. 
> (Biological/'s all interrelated and it's all biological 
> because that's the way the hormones work in the body. He's parsing to make a 
> point, which is that enlightened people can have lust too, so yes, John, 
> please feel free to sleep with your wife this week too :).  He's just trying 
> to create an artificial boundary in order to keep the enlightened man in a 
> separate category.) 
> For the enlightened person, it is more animal like, it is just part of the 
> body, that's all (I think that perhaps what he is really trying to say is 
> that the enlightened man realizes that consciousness encompasses (wrong word 
> choice?) the body and that the body comes with animal instincts....yes, my 
> kids started learning how their body works in elementary big aha 
> moment here.)
> Now, the unenlightened person can sit alone and be thinking about lust (Yes, 
> she can). 
> The enlightened man cannot do that because the mind doesn't come up with 
> supporting pictures. (Yeah, right - FFL is a good example of the truth of 
> this statement.) So, there is no mental lust or psychological lust.  (Again, 
> it's all the same thing so yes, there is.  He's also speaking to our 
> American puritan-based roots which create self-talk that says..."we know it's 
> wrong but we can't help ourselves." ).
> But, let us say there is a woman - understanding there can be physical lust. 
>  And of course he (the enlightened man) is not going to violate any law and 
> may have a relationship with his wife and produce children.  But, this 
> biological lust is really really little (Yeah, right)  - and can be a good 
> solution to population problems (Please, stop).
> But, then let us say there is a person - an enlightened person - and there is 
> a woman going there and there is physical lust.  After she moves away from 
> the range of vision - it's gone - he cannot think about her (I think he's 
> trying to say that an enlightened man stays in the moment).
> Lust came, lust went - that's all.  It will not cause a problem (It might 
> for the woman...stereotypical male statement).  But, the other 
> (unenlightened man) will be thinking of....will go off and chase.....that 
> does not happen for the enlightened person (Yeah, like celebrities. Women 
> come to them.)  
> After this week of reading all your posts, I might beg to differ on that 
> point, but never mind me, I'm an unenlightened, depressed, stressed, 
> fear-based, shame-based, slightly overweight, 
> immuno-compromised, middle-aged, woman.  Whew - now there's a good visual. 
>  Luckily, my personal version of the hopey-changey thing is beginning to 
> work for me.  I don't always know what FFL is saying, but what I'm hearing 
> is: "It's o.k., you can be here, we have a lot of experience with realities 
> here, we are experts in management here. Oh, by the way, have you heard the 
> one about the Raja's and the Domers?"  
> No transcribing needed.
> Freedom-hoppin' starts in pretty good here after the song gets rolling - tee 
> hee:  

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