Yo Vajette,

This is how you write a screenplay. And yes, your wife is a.k.a. KB.

From: whynotnow7 <whynotn...@yahoo.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, December 1, 2011 8:40:06 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Robin Carlsen file uploaded to FairfieldLife

Yo, Loser, The old, "Look its Haley's Comet!" routine ain't working.

Let's see if I can use my TM-Siddhi powers to reconstruct the scene, a day or 
two prior to your polaroid picture post:

Vaj: "Fuck!" "Shit!"

Vaj's wife: "What's wrong honey?"

Vaj: "The fourth person this week on FFL is saying I never learned or taught TM 
- bastards, I'd like t..."

Vaj's wife: "Your-medication-is-on-the-bathroom-counter-upstairs (for the 
millionth time)!"

Vaj: "fuck...What?!"

Vaj's wife: "(sigh) Nothing!! When are you going to get rid of that crazy idea 
that the only time anyone is going to take your Buddhist teachings seriously, 
is if you say you used to be a TM Teacher? Just say, OK what's the big deal I 
didn't get within a mile of ever knowing TM, but here's why Buddhism will bring 
you salvation..."

Vaj: "Yeah, it *would* make my family happy...After all of their ties to HHDL, 
it is like a knife through their hearts every time I fake it with TM. But I 
HAVE TO, even though the last time over at my dad's, I mentioned that Intro 
Lecture I snuck into back in '74, and he sent me out to his "meditation cave" 
in the backyard for three frikkin' hours!! Sitting on those old stained 
magazines, its gross!"

Vaj's wife: "...I know, you put up with a lot from him (rolls her 
eyes)...Anyway it wouldn't hurt for you to ditch the bathrobe and look for work 

Vaj: "huh?...Wait! I just found an old box of polaroids! I think I figured out 
to kill two birds with one stone...this'll distract 'em...bastards..."

Vaj's wife: "Bills are due!"

Vaj: "Look!!! Dearest, we've discussed this many times. This my life's work! I 
am saving the world! Tibet is for everyone! His Holiness..."

Vaj's wife: "OK...OK...OK.......O...K..." (whispered to her sister on the 
phone: "I hate it when he gets like this")

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Nov 30, 2011, at 8:13 PM, FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > This email message is a notification to let you know that
> > a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the FairfieldLife
> > group.
> >
> >   File        : /Paths, Teachers and Cults/HHRWCFFia.jpg
> >   Uploaded by : vajradhatu108 <vajradhatu@...>
> >   Description : HH RWC with entourage and Guru Dev wannabe 
> > umbrella, Fairfield, IA. � Vajranatha 1983
> Here's a picture I took outside of a church in FF with my old SX-70 
> Polaroid, 1st gen. I forget what it was but I believe it is some sort 
> of pronouncement that HH Robin Carlsen is holding in the picture, 
> while Saint Gemma II looks on concerned about the actions we're about 
> to undertake, probably marching onto the MIU campus or some such 
> activity. Since his psychotic break kundalini psychosis episode TM- 
> style enlightenment in Switzerland his sattvic countenance was often 
> protected from the rajasic rays of the sun by a sacred umbrella.
> Notice the nervous and tense vibe in the seminar students. This was a 
> common vibe in the World Teacher Seminar because if you weren't about 
> to do something quasi-illegal - marching onto private campuses, 
> disrupting public lectures, etc. there was always the chance that you 
> could be declared "demonic" if Robin and the seminar couldn't groove 
> to your darshan (while standing in front of an audience, being 
> drilled at a microphone, in a basement somewhere).


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