Here to join the party Jason, or just take a dump on the lawn and scurry home? 
If the former, welcome! and if the latter, beat it, *after* you bag it.

--- In, Jason <jedi_spock@...> wrote:
> And you are a pseudo-enlightened cosmic bitch 
> whoring your fake 'awakening' around.
> And he is a pseudo-critic and an intellectual 
> strip queen who stripteases in internet forums.
> Both of you make a good pair don't you.  You both 
> are made for each other.
> From: whynotnow7 <whynotnow7@...>
> To: 
> Sent: Friday, December 2, 2011 10:31 PM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: New Robin Carlsen file uploaded to FairfieldLife
> > heheh - Bob, truly inspired by the idea of a screenplay, perhaps as an 
> > animated component of said holiday gift manual, I decided to finish the 
> > scene I began earlier, only this time Vaj's wife is indeed King Baby:
> > 
> > Vaj: (staring a little too intensely at the computer screen) "Fuck!" "Shit!"
> > 
> > KB: (dusting, in another room) "What's wrong honey?"
> > 
> > Vaj: "The fourth person this week on FFL is saying I never learned or 
> > taught TM
> > - bastards, I'd like t..."
> > 
> > KB: "Your-medication-is-on-the-bathroom-counter-upstairs (for the
> > millionth time)!"
> > 
> > Vaj: "fuck...What?!"
> > 
> > KB: "(sigh) Nothing!! (drops duster, stands up, arms akimbo, apron on) When 
> > are you going to get rid of that crazy idea that the only time anyone is 
> > going to take your Buddhist teachings seriously, is if you say you used to 
> > be a TM Teacher? Just say, OK what's the big deal I didn't get within a 
> > mile of ever knowing TM, but here's why Buddhism will bring you 
> > salvation..."
> > 
> > Vaj: (yelling over his shoulder, a cold Mountain Dew and a few loose m&ms 
> > next to his PC)"Yeah, it *would* make my family happy...After all of their 
> > ties to HHDL, it is like a knife through their hearts every time I fake it 
> > with TM. But I HAVE TO, even though the last time over at my dad's, I 
> > mentioned that Intro Lecture I snuck into back in '74, and he sent me out 
> > to his "meditation cave" in the backyard for three frikkin' hours!! Sitting 
> > on those old stained magazines, its gross!"
> > 
> > KB: "...I know, you put up with a lot from him (rolls her eyes)...Anyway it 
> > wouldn't hurt for you to ditch the bathrobe and look for work today..."
> > 
> > Vaj: "huh?...Wait! I just found an old box of polaroids! I think I figured 
> > out how to kill two birds with one stone...this'll distract 
> > 'em...bastards..."
> > 
> > KB: "Bills are due!"
> > 
> > Vaj: "Look!!! Dearest, we've discussed this many times. This my life's 
> > work! I am saving the world! Tibet is for everyone! His Holiness..."
> > 
> > KB: "OK...OK...OK.......O...K..." (whispered to her "sister" on the phone:
> > "I hate it when VJ gets like this")
> > 
> > KB's "sister": (split screen aka Pillow Talk) "How long has it been since 
> > she, y'"
> > 
> > KB: "Don't ask. Don't. Ask. It's a wonder I can put food on the table. VJ's 
> > been *very* upset these days. So bitchy sometimes -  that's my Opinion, 
> > anyway...So snide this morning after I had made omelettes and brioche for 
> > us, she says, "Going out to the...`café' to do some...`writing'??", like 
> > my talent is lost on her...Hasn't she read my online masterpiece, "Roadtrip 
> > Highway Travelin' Thang"?? VJ *said* I was good...she always encourages me 
> > to continue with my new book..." 
> > 
> > KB's "sister": Know'wcha'mean..."
> > 
> > KB: "fuck, cracked my nail, gotta go sis!"
> > 
> > KB's "sister": "toodles! call me - "
> Ha Ha Ha! Yes, I think I sufficiently explored within the realms of 
> consciousness the genesis of Barry's use of the term, "drama queen", which 
> has now been supported further with the media you have supplied. He is truly 
> everywhere, secure in his infinite archetype, kosmic King Baby.

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