Hi Robin:

On Dec 1, 2011, at 4:32 PM, maskedzebra wrote:

> Dear Vaj,
> When it comes to your death, ask that you might just die a little; ask if you 
> can hold back something of yourself; that you don't want to go all the way. I 
> say this because this certainly will be your first inclination when death 
> comes on. I am only getting my inspiration from what St Francis called Sister 
> Death: she awaits, Vaj. Why not make things easier on her, so she doesn't 
> have to make you go through something which would make you wish you had taken 
> the cue from that Canadian guy? Death; think about it, Vaj; because there you 
> will really be on your own, and you will realize that you have not exactly 
> made your actions here at FFL a preparation for that moment. It's coming. 
> It's coming for all of us. What do you think the verdict's going to be? in 
> the consensus of Sal, Barry, and yourself? Or in the consensus of almost 
> everyone else here at FFL and all the good angels to boot.

Wouldn't it make sense to try dying out before you die R.? No I'm not trying to 
convince you to commit suicide. Not even die daily as Yeshua advised…but at 
least try it out.

> You seem to misunderstand me, Vaj: I am not writing here at FFL to defend my 
> past actions as the man in Unity Consciousness. I am here to work out my 
> salvation—if I can use what was once a literal fact but which now must now be 
> a metaphor. Posting at FFL has done a lot of good for me in this endeavour. I 
> wish the same for yourself. But just look at what you chose to select out 
> from my last two posts—conspicuously ignoring all the points that would 
> really make some demand upon yourself. Preferring instead to quote passages 
> which do not bear upon the essential point of our discussion. And to which 
> you make—consistently, unfailingly—responses which are of no purport.

IOW, I'm not playing the game you want me to play.

> If you want to advance this conversation to a just and final resolution, you 
> must risk something you have never thought to bring in, Vaj: your sincerity. 
> This you eschew—and I think out of a most insidious timidity and fantastical 
> compulsion. 
> But hey! I don't know anything here, Vaj: and guess what? I would just as 
> soon discover I was magnificently wrong in everything I have said about you, 
> as to know, and have it proven to me, that everything I have said about you 
> is correct. Do you realize, dear Vaj, you have not once attempted to defend 
> yourself on the grounds which I have challenged you?
> Why not just shut this baby down, Vaj—Oh, you want to go another round, do 
> you?
> Well, know this, Vaj: This is not a fair fight. You are being pummelled. But 
> the alarming thing is *you don't feel the pain*. Must I understand you can 
> even lie your heart out of its rightful experience? Because if you were in 
> touch with any ultimate truth, Vaj, you would see that I am working on behalf 
> of your true self.
> How's that for a little Canadian self-righteous obnoxiousness?


> Well, I am alas quixotic in my sincerity—my irony serves—at least I hope it 
> does—my love.

I suspect you have a lot more irony in store for you - at least from my POV.

> Now shut the fuck up, Vaj, and call this one off. It is not a fair fight. 
> With Curtis, that was something different. Learn from him. Study his 
> responses to me.
> That said, by cracky I hope I am as deceived as I think I am undeceived about 
> you, Vaj.
> Do you realize what a thrill it would be for me for you to provide *just one 
> iota of proof* of a single claim you have made about TM, Maharishi, and me?

Maybe Alanis could write a song about it?

> That would be a riot, picking up the pieces after that. I think it cruel of 
> you to deprive all of us—well, nearly all of us—at FFL of this opportunity to 
> be disabused of our false and unjust interpretation of your behaviour.
> Well, I am going to be hoping for the Dream Team Eagles tonight when they 
> face those Pete Carroll Seahawks. The Patriots really gave their confidence a 
> licking last Sunday. Did you see that? Now tell me, is LSU or is Alabama 
> going to win it all this year?
> You need to watch Letterman, Vaj.
> Hold it! Check your motive in wanting to answer this. It is up to my motive 
> in laying down my challenge to you, Vaj? Think about this carefully; a 
> perfunctory, costing-you-nothing-of-your-soul response won't do. It might 
> look purty on your computer screen before it gets posted, but once exposed to 
> reality the whole universe will judge it.
> Stop bringing in names—even slyly using initials—of persons who have nothing 
> to do with me. You are violating their privacy, Vaj. This is the height of 
> moral gaucheness.

No, writing their entire names would be gauche R.

> See how Ted faced Sylvia's parents after she committed suicide? That, Vaj, 
> was the gold standard in being real. I quoted him as an example for you. (And 
> I quoted his personal review of Pinter for Barry the Reviewer's sake—because 
> what Hughes said about Pinter was what hardly any critic could see.
> Hughes comments on the persons at that cocktail party, they were perceptive 
> in just the way I wish you would aspire to—not to mention dear Sal.
> Take me as I am, Vaj: I wish you only the very best—that is, the very best of 
> You didn't create yourself. But you now are responsible for yourself.
> I have said all that I want to say. May the Baby Jesus be nice to us as we 
> get closer to that day when our philosophies will be put to the extremest 
> test there is.

Or you could die daily - and no,  2 x 20 doesn't count, not even close.


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