Pretty close, I reckon. At least, at once removed.
Did not Guru Dev spend 30 years in solitude in
a cave where he cognised the TM teaching method etc
etc etc from the absolute (like Einstein and his
theories); then he taught Maharishi.

---The four Shankaracharya seats each have a presiding deity. In the North they practice on Sri Vidya. Other seats might be more Shiva or more Vishnu.  In Guru Devs case he practiced Sri Vidya.  The TM technique is merely silent mental repetition of the sanskrit sounds of Shakti. 
Maharishi dummied down the Sri Vidya technique for quick teaching and sales. Sort of like taking a woman and instead of letting her find true love and a deep relationship with someone, instead handling her like property and selling quickies.
The real path has never really been taught.  The tantric path of union with the Divine Mother. that's what we do in TM.  The mantra is the mudra or one with whom we practice union.  The mantra is the element of divine pragya, but who knows this?

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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