
I wasn't targeting you.  If you want to think you're always honest and true to 
all you meet on your path, go for it.

Actually, I didn't communicate all that well, cuz I was pointing to the fact 
that everyone has invested in the ego -- the primal mask.  The Universal Spirit 
insists it is to be considered a mere and horribly limited individual.  As if.  
That Mother Divine....such a kidder and always wanting to throw another 
masquerade ball.

I think that if certain FFL folks have a right to get all upset and make rules 
about the "level of abusiveness" that's allowed here, then those someones 
better explain the logic used to determine that a "crass sexual-blurb put-down" 
is far more serious, as an issue, than that of a war-monger openly espousing 
the murder of most of the world's people. 

Oh, geeze, someone was told to suck a cock, and it came off as homophobic and 
so un-PC.  

Can't have homophobia here at FFL, cuz we'z gots us a good guy moderator who's 
gay, and it wouldn't do to upset him what with his hard-wired sensibilities.  
And I would agree, but.......

But, whoa, I'm here with MY hard-wired sensibilities.  See?  I have this utter 
revulsion for even the concept "genocide."  And yet, Rick is just fine letting 
someone espouse this kind of evil here.  

Don't I get to be upset and make rules against anyone harming my peace of mind? 
 Don't I get to complain about my heart being constantly be tasered by the  
hatred that we see brandished so often here? 

It's not censorship that's wanted by me, but instead I want a pleasant place 
where there's lots of pleasant conversations with pleasant people.  To allow 
such an obvious troll with such a bitter racist hatred to come here and piss on 
everyone every day in every way possible that his psychosis can come up with is 
an issue that Rick has not addressed. 

What?  A homosexual slur's triggering of negativity in someone's nervous system 
is some sort of "extra specialsooperdooper really bad" emotion to have to 
process, but my emotional disgust is small potatoes, and I don't feel as deeply 
as others do?






--- In, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@...> wrote:
> --- In, Duveyoung <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > "seventhray1" steve.sundur@ wrote:
> >
> > ". . . .it's been my observation that Edg also has his own problems
> > > with always dealing straight up with people."
> >
> > Oh come on Steve,
> >
> > Hee hee.  Really?
> >
> > Who is straight with all the people all the time?   Ed, please provide
> some examples of how and when I have not been straight with people here.
> I'll even take some hypotheticals as an example, or even instances when
> you suspect I haven't been straight.   I don't expect you look anything
> up.  Just give me some idea of a situation when it would be to my
> advantage not to be straight up with people.
> >
> > You?
> >
> > I am a 29 year true-believer meditator who lived in FF and attended
> every single function and pot luck and, gee, somehow I never got
> comfortable with the people I was meeting....go figure.  (No wait, just
> in case Rick is reading this, I meant to say, "GO FUCKING FIGURE YOU
> >
> > Was it "just me" or something about the MINDFUL falsities of every
> true believer that so irks the part of the mind that embodies integrity?
> >
> > This FFL group has such a goofy-assed mix -- who wouldn't be
> circumspect or having a strategy about how much about themselves they
> should express here?
> >
> > Look at the FFL SHITHEELS  who beat on any newcomer for the least
> infraction in philosophical argument.  You've got to fight your way into
> FFL like it was a street gang.
> >
> > You've got to post here knowing that truly sick and crazy people will
> put their minds to work to come up with something that hurts, something
> that cuts, something that atomically blasts the tender feeling level.
> >
> > But Mr. Party Hardy Rick doesn't care about the tender feeling level. 
> He cares about the list of words that George Carlin couldn't say on TV. 
> Ed, are you afraid to address the issue straight on.  Just read the post
> again.  Or maybe you didn't read it all.  It wasn't about swear words,
> and it's really not that big a deal.  But you might as well try to be
> straight on your facts.  Is that an unreasonable request?
> >
> > Oh, I know it wasn't the words, it was the tender feeling level that
> Rick was defending.  Ravi got harsh.  Oh my.
> >
> > Yet all my best efforts to get Rick to punt that mofo racist out of
> Ed, I'd say that what you are recommending is censorship, and I don't
> think Rick does censorship, nor does the society in general.  But what
> you may have missed is that communities have standards of decency, which
> are standards agreed upon by the members of a community.  And they may
> vary, as I understand it, from one community to another.   I felt, as a
> public forum, there should be some restraint shown when describing sex
> acts.  Evidently you feel differently.
> > I call hypocrisy on Rick's part. And, lest anyone think otherwise, I
> love Rick as much or more than any other FFL person; I read every post
> of his, I am very impressed with his agenda and personality.  There's
> some world class big hearted folks here, whose posts I look for every
> day, with whom I might compare him, and he compares very very well
> indeed.
> >
> > Edg
> >
> >
> >
> > Edg
> >

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