--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> What I've noticed for some time is that there are
> some people on this forum who not only feel that
> they have the right to use the people whose ideas
> they don't like as punching bags, they actually
> seem to feel that their victims "owe it to them"
> to punch back.
> I owe them nothing. Nada. Zip. Bupkus. They can
> say anything about me they want, and chances are
> (for the 6 people on my "written off as bad bets"
> list) I'll never even see what they write. This seems
> to piss them off no end, because what they seem
> to want is for me to take what they write -- and
> them -- seriously, and "get into it" with them,
> in some head-to-head argument that they can then
> imagine they "won." Not gonna happen.

I mean, you gotta admit, that it is a little odd that maybe 90% of Barry's 
interactions here are between BarryI and BarryII.  I guess that's what they 
call inadvertent irony.  

But I wonder why Barry feels like he needs to reiterate this other point 
repeatedly.  He's made it clear that he doesn't read the posts of certain 
people, and has it in his mind that they are wringing their hands about it.

And then he sets up the big "gotcha", that if you respond to something he says, 
then it proves whatever point he is trying to make.  Oh well. 

P.S.  I like Barry, but I don't think he cares for me much.

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