On Dec 20, 2011, at 5:38 PM, emptybill wrote:

> Nice laudation of Robin. However, you overlook his proclivity to construct 
> his replies so that he only addresses his own notions. That is, if he answers 
> at all. This is the definition of a monologue.
> In this way, Robin has become the reverse mirror-image of Vag the Defier … an 
> amusing correspondence for those who have witnessed their posting love-fest 
> this month.
> Vag has something to conceal … himself. Robin has something to reveal … 
> himself. But in both cases, their Oz-like canticles of honesty are flayed by 
> parsing.
> Welcome to the specters hovering behind the curtain.
That's just because you never received an invitation to the invitation-only 
InnerVag.com website (don't look for it, it finds you™).

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