
You and Barry give new meaning to the epithet "Pond Scum", first you go after 
Robin's ex-wife, speculating on their love life, and now its his mother 
(neither of whom would give either of you the time of day---opps, I guess that 
may be your problem). 

Your poorly written fictions obviously have nothing to do with reality and 
everything to do with the shared Oedipus complex that draws the two of you 
together. If you're going to continue to *attempt* to write fiction you must 
look into a few courses; you *must* realize, its a discipline.

vague |vāg|


of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning : many patients 
suffer vague symptoms.

• thinking or communicating in an unfocused or imprecise way : he had been very 
vague about his activities.

vaguely adverb
vagueness noun
vaguish adjective

ORIGIN mid 16th cent.: from French, or from Latin vagus ‘wandering, uncertain.’

From: Vaj <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2011 6:09:43 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: SECOND Open [non-performance] Letter to Ravi 

On Dec 26, 2011, at 7:12 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

--- In, zarzari_786 <no_reply@...> wrote:
>> According to Maharishi and according to tradition this 
>> [losing Unity Consciousness] is not possible. In this 
>> case it wasn't fully established. 
>Either that or it never happened in the first place.
>That is, from everything that has been reported here
>that I've read, the entire episode sounds like a 
>classic case of NPD/hypmania augmented by moodmaking
>and a desire to become the focus of other people's
There's more evidence to suggest this, as a common 'bragging claim' of Carlsen 
followers was the fact that he wrote "The Discovery of Grace" with commentary 
(I believe, or one of his tomes) by staying up all night and simply dictating 
it, in one go. To us rabid TMers this was just more evidence of "enlightenment" 
when, in 20/20 retrospect it was more evidence of hypomania run amuck.

I've seen it happen before to other "gurus" who set
>up shop based on self-announced (and never verfied,
>even by their own teachers) "enlightenment."
While some passing remarks of Maheshiji were at first used to prop up his claim 
of "Unity", later this was not enough. This culminated in RWC's court case 
against M. where it was required that M. respond on tape declaring or denying 
RWC's "enlightenment. This was done and a tape was delivered to the court in 
Ottumwa, as with baited breath they awaited the final verdict, - which 
consisted of Maheshiji grunting a "noew" to the tape recorder.

So the claim from his guru is that "no, he was not enlightened".

His behaviors continued to escalate and I believe, to this very day, if RWC 
sets foot in the state of Iowa, he would be detained for 40 days in the 
Jefferson Co. prison - possibly longer, since he skipped off to Victoria to 
escape his fate.

The thing that causes me to believe in this theory
>is the fact that RWC refuses to even consider it,
>even as a possibility. *His* subjective view is the
>only possible explanation. That's pretty much classic 


I wonder what his mother Norah - an esteemed and groundbreaking Ph.D. 
psychologist - would have said? I cannot help hear her voice in the 
psychobabble of Robin interspersed in his lingo back then. But if IIRC, she did 
not approve. She may have even been declared "demonic" - a certain, real 
shunning for anyone in the World Teacher Seminar. She left this world however 
in 2000, so we may not ever know, but it's an interesting part of the RWC 
story: boy raised by glass ceiling breaking female psychologist. 

And I wonder how many present day psychologists she inspired? Perhaps many. 
IMO, Dr. Norah Carlsen, Ph.D. is the more interesting story I'd like to hear. 
My belated condolences on the passing of this incredible woman.


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