On Dec 27, 2011, at 7:43 PM, seventhray1 wrote:

> > It is worth noting that most of the people discussing
> > these supposed higher states of consciousness that some
> > on this forum claim to have had are doing so completely
> > from a theoretical basis. They have personally never
> > had such experiences, and are basing anything they say
> > on theories given to them by Maharishi, who IMO was in
> > exactly the same boat they were. That is, only having
> > heard about enlightenment, and never having experienced
> > it. 
> >Even the early stages of it.
> Well, I think you've broken some new ground in your evaluation of MMY.  
> Previously you seemed to be willling to give him at least a little credit in 
> the spirituality dept.  Evidently even this has now been rescinded.
It's relatively easy reality to accept, esp. if you realize what close 
associates had been saying for decades: Maheshiji does not meditate, he only 
meets with business people all day long and has "yagyas" outsourced on his 
behalf. Effete TB's wax that as 'he's a yogi, so therefore he's in 
nitya-samadhi', at least CC - no big deal. 

There are people who still actually believe this story. Seriously.

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