that would be then.....uhh ...attention smoker?? [:D]  [:)]

"When (according to Urban dictionary)this persons group of friends is
used to them smoking they will claim they are quitting to gain attention
again when actually they are not addicted in the first place so have no
problem 'quitting' [:D] "
--- In, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> I've been wondering about this lately, because so many forums I'm a
> of have been invaded by hordes of what I tend to call ( for want of
> proper Sanskrit term :-) attention sluts. You know the type of person
> I'm talking about. Insecure, not many real-life friends, and seriously
> in need of attention. Any kind of attention will seemingly do. So the
> attention sluts tend to post a LOT, eating up bandwidth and
> automatically rendering themselves uninteresting to those who don't
> gravitate to Chatty Cathy types.
> If no one replies or gives them the attention they seek, the attention
> sluts tend to practice one or more of three primary strategies. The
> first is to talk about themselves, pretty much non-stop, as if telling
> everyone how great they are will make these people think they're
> This tactic tends not to work on spiritual forums, because it's
> interpreted as runaway ego, and who wants to talk with a runaway ego?
> The second tactic is to praise other posters, or "love bomb" them,
> hoping that they too are insecure enough and in need of attention
> to reply to the flattery. The idea seems to be that if the attention
> slut can get a person to focus on them by flattering them, maybe
> *keep* focusing on them. In my experience, this tactic only tends to
> work on other attention sluts, and tends to result in the formation of
> cliques, in which groups of attention sluts chat mainly with each
> The third tactic, when the above two have failed, is to try to insult
> badger or abuse other people into replying. After all, the only thing
> that's important to an attention slut is the *attention*. It doesn't
> matter what form that attention takes. Again, this tends to work only
> those who are so ungrounded in their own self as to feel the need to
> "defend" that self when it's insulted.
> The thing I see lately on multiple forums lately is that attention
> slut-itis is rampant, almost epidemic. I blame this on the emergence
> social media like Twitter and Facebook, in which the entire game is
> about how much attention you can attract. "How many followers do you
> have?"
> 9_1552286745_2594704_2120755496_n.jpg
> 39_1552286745_2594704_2120755496_n.jpg>
> But if you think about it, aren't compulsive attempts to get other
> people to focus their attention on you kinda...uh...un-spiritual in
> first place? On pretty much all of the forums in question, those
> that are most universally appreciated and held in some regard belong
> people who don't utilize any of the three strategies above. Instead,
> they tend to talk only when they have something to say, and reply only
> to people who have actually said something interesting. And they stay
> out of protracted arguments and generally skip the small shit. Because
> it IS, after all, small shit.
> Call me crazy, but these folks seem to figured out something valuable
> about the nature of chat forums that the oh-so-needy Chatty Cathys
> haven't. Maybe they just spend more time in meditation and immersed in
> the Self than the attention sluts, and thus have no need to try to
> up the self by sucking attention from other people. Or maybe they're
> just grownups...I don't know. All I know is who I avoid and who I want
> to engage in conversation with.

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