> I just wonder who of our candidates has any ability 
> whatsoever to manage this on the foreign front. I 
> always come back to who I see as our only choice, 
> flawed or not, and that would be our current 
> president/administration.
So, we are agreed. I believe in giving credit where
credit is due: Obama approved the surge in Afghanistan;
Obama killed Osama bin Laden and that Anwar al-Awlaki 
terrorist; Obama helped free Libya from Ghadaffi; and 
Obama can now say "mission accomplished" in Iraq.

So, I'm pretty sure Obama could defeat Iran's blocking
of the Straight of Hormuz in a week or two. Obama has
so many military "toys" at his disposal that Iran could
be made defenseless in a matter of hours, or if needed,
Gawd Forbid!!!, reduced to an ant hill in a matter of 

None of the candidates, except the incumbent, has a 
proven track record in foreign policy, so none probably
have "any ability whatsoever to manage the foreign 
front", (even if they were even remotely electable).

So, in my advice to you would be to vote for an the 
administration that can keep the Straight of Hormuz 
open - the Barak/Hillary ticket. That's the one! Get
out and vote!

Both Obama and Clinton have promised to keep America
safe and to defend U.S. interests world-wide, with any 
means necessary, up to and including military force.

'Aircraft Carrier USS John C Stennis' 

"The overarching goal is to slow, if not reverse, 
Iran's apparent progress toward developing a nuclear 
bomb – something international diplomacy and a 
series of economic sanctions have not been able to 

'The Christian Science Monitor'
December 28, 2011

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