--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" <curtisdeltablues@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "futur.musik" <futur.musik@> wrote:
> > >
> > > You have been on quite a tear since Ravi referred to as
> > > the messiah of intellectual dishonesty. Hope you get it
> > > out of your system. I like you, but you just aren't as
> > > nice as you think you are.
> > 
> > Both the nice thing and the intellectual dishonesty thing
> > are from Judy whom, like Ravi, you parrot.
> Right. Because (claims Curtis, parroting Barry) it's simply
> not possible that three different people could come 
> independently to the same conclusions about you.

Let me attribute this one to you:  Winner of the inadvertent irony award!

> Well, four, if you count Robin.
> > But at least she provides the reasons in specific why she
> > makes her accusations so I can respond.
> Robin has provided even more reasons in specific than I ever
> have, but you don't seem to want to even *try* to respond to
> those.

No Judy I didn't spend hours responding to Robin over the last year.  You are 
so right to nail me for not responding to the last 5.

> Oh, wait, you said you *had* composed a response, but the 
> virus ate it. And then you demanded that Robin boil his five-
> parter down to the Main Points if he wanted any response at
> all.

The logs of my battle are on the link of sent to Edg under continuing malware 
problems in the solved section complete with dates.  And no I didn't want to go 
back and reread how awful I am, a topic that fascinates you with no limit.  

> "See, the dog ate my homework. So if you want me to do the
> assignment over, Teach, you'll have to make it a lot shorter.
> And if you don't, I'll run around and tell everybody you've
> done the same thing I have by...by...ignoring other students'
> taunts. Yeah, that's it. That nails it.
> "Whaddya mean, 'Huh?'"

Nice to see you reveal how you view relationships here Judy, as if personal 
challenges have the relationship of a teacher assigning homework from that 
position of power.  You usually hide this assumptive arrogance better.

I have a pretty good track record of wading through Robins long posts as you 
well know Judy.  If I wanted him to summarize is points it was for good 



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