--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" <steve.sundur@> wrote:
> > 
> > I found the first 4:10 interesting.  Then it jumped to some 
> > assumptions that didn't make sense, at least for me.  The
> > idea that theists view themselves as God, as therefore have 
> > intolerance for atheists?  I'm not getting that.
> That puzzled me as well at first, but I think what he meant
> is that theists are making up their God without realizing it.
> In which case this God is no different from themselves, since
> they created it. And therefore when someone doesn't buy this
> God, the theist feels he or she is being rejected.
> My guess, anyway.

I noticed that too.  Probably better for the both of them to go with the more 
scientific spiritual experience as in, the Unified Field.  It is more matter of 
fact.  Yeah, may be the 'god' word is too culturally conflicted a choice of a 
word for fruitful discussion anyway.  Essentially both their situation is that 
they necessarily reject in that they just don't know the unified field by 
experience.  It isn't that either are god-less necessarily, they just don't 
know the Unified Field.  These people should both learn an effective 
meditation, get their meditations checked, repent their ways that take them 
away and spend a little more time in meditation practicing, and activate and 
align their chakra system.  Then they'd see.
It's proly a lot less conflicted and safer this way too than arguing religion, 
as that Youtube clip shows.
-Buck in FF 

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