On Jan 1, 2012, at 1:09 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

> OK Robin,I tried. I took about two hours and re-read the whole thing and 
> worked my way through the first 3 posts again with comments. You would not 
> like any of them. I became increasingly frustrated that we do not share the 
> same values in how we judge people and how we define friendship. It only 
> inspired the kind of defensive soul deadening writing that I despise. (Plus I 
> had to create a soul for it to die so it was no small thing.) You said some 
> niece things at the end to regain rapport, but it was just too little too 
> late for me to embrace the spirit of your words. I do appreciate them but 
> feel too weary from all that went before to have it make much difference. On 
> their own, outside the dissection of my faults, they might have turned the 
> tide, I don't know. 

What is Enlightenment?

Sutra eighty-eight

It is knowing that one's boldness and Promethean 
prophecies are inspired from the Ego of God.

-Robin W. Carlsen

/in-flated/ 1. puffed out;
swollen, pompous; 2. bombas-
tic; high-flown; 3. increased or
raised beyond what is normal
or valid.

The Masks of Inflation

Inflation wears many different masks: a sense of superiority, vanity,
self-satisfaction, a feeling of being special, an overestimation of one's
spiritual development and capacities, pride in ones spiritual accomplish-
ments and stature, aloofness, the feeling that no one is able to
understand one's experience. Each of these is a mask of ego inflation,
worn in delusion, with each wearer believing that his or her mask
represents the true face.

-Mariana Caplan

The soul that is attached to
anything, however much good
there may be in it, will not
arrive at the liberty of the 

-St. John of the Cross

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