One wonders why Vaj would have posted a "sutra" Robin
wrote more than a quarter-century ago as if it said
something about the Robin who has been posting on FFL,
as if it were some kind of commentary on what Robin
has said to Curtis, when Vaj surely knows FFL-Robin
has renounced and denounced who he considered himself
to be back then.

What's the point of condemning long-ago-Robin when FFL-
Robin has himself painfully taken full responsibility
for that Robin and explicitly condemned who he was--
doing a far more thorough job than Vaj could ever dream
of doing?

Vaj is entitled not to like what Robin has said to Curtis.
But if Vaj were honest, he'd address it on its own terms
instead of pretending it comes from a Robin who hasn't
existed for decades, a Robin who, unlike FFL-Robin, would
have vigorously denied that anything in the quotes supplied
by Vaj from the dictionary, Caplan, and St. John could
possibly apply to him.

--- In, Vaj <vajradhatu@...> wrote:
> On Jan 1, 2012, at 1:09 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
> > OK Robin,I tried. I took about two hours and re-read the whole thing and 
> > worked my way through the first 3 posts again with comments. You would not 
> > like any of them. I became increasingly frustrated that we do not share the 
> > same values in how we judge people and how we define friendship. It only 
> > inspired the kind of defensive soul deadening writing that I despise. (Plus 
> > I had to create a soul for it to die so it was no small thing.) You said 
> > some niece things at the end to regain rapport, but it was just too little 
> > too late for me to embrace the spirit of your words. I do appreciate them 
> > but feel too weary from all that went before to have it make much 
> > difference. On their own, outside the dissection of my faults, they might 
> > have turned the tide, I don't know. 
> What is Enlightenment?
> Sutra eighty-eight
> It is knowing that one's boldness and Promethean 
> prophecies are inspired from the Ego of God.
> -Robin W. Carlsen
> /in-flated/ 1. puffed out;
> swollen, pompous; 2. bombas-
> tic; high-flown; 3. increased or
> raised beyond what is normal
> or valid.
> The Masks of Inflation
> Inflation wears many different masks: a sense of superiority, vanity,
> self-satisfaction, a feeling of being special, an overestimation of one's
> spiritual development and capacities, pride in ones spiritual accomplish-
> ments and stature, aloofness, the feeling that no one is able to
> understand one's experience. Each of these is a mask of ego inflation,
> worn in delusion, with each wearer believing that his or her mask
> represents the true face.
> -Mariana Caplan
> The soul that is attached to
> anything, however much good
> there may be in it, will not
> arrive at the liberty of the 
> divine.
> -St. John of the Cross

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