"Strangely enough, after the wind has blown away all the crap, what's left is a 
feeling not of emptiness, but of fullness. Go figure."

Ummmmm...I hate to tell you this, but that fullness feeling? means you are 
still full of crap...continue facing the wind please. Give it a good six 
months. :-)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> * Wind in your face.
> This, I understand, is a subjective thing. Some people
> really don't like the wind. Me, I love it, so today is
> just My Kinda Day in the Netherlands. 
> It's cold, but not overly so -- 8 C / 46 F. But the wind
> is just tremendous -- a steady 40 mph gale, with gusts up 
> to 70-80 mph. But no rain, so I can spend much of today
> out walking in it. 
> There's something about a good wind that blows not just
> at you but -- if you know how to allow it to do so -- 
> *through* you. You put your face into the wind, let go 
> of the self, and allow the wind to just blow it away.
> Strangely enough, after the wind has blown away all the
> crap, what's left is a feeling not of emptiness, but of
> fullness. Go figure.

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