--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:

> Plus which, you seem incapable of comprehending the concept
> of "taste of your own medicine," even after I pointed it
> out. The notion that you'd expect me to defend you when
> you've refused to defend me or anybody else is so upside-
> down and inside-out and backward it's stupefying that you
> thought you could strut around here and score with it.
Dang Judy, you're scoring with that phrasing.  I may not agree with it,
put it is nicely put.

  > Live by the sword, die by the sword. You buttered your
> bread, now you get to sleep in it.
> Oh, you know, I'm wrong, you *do* occasionally defend
> others--when you think *my* criticisms of them have
> been unfair.
> Here's the deal, Curtis. Just as soon as you decide to
> start standing up for people when Barry trashes them,
> I'll consider standing up for you when you get trashed.
> If I don't, *then* you can legitimately call me a
> hypocrite.
Here's your parsing Judy.  You'll come back with, "he didn't stand up
for me in the way I thought he should".  We've seen this behavior
> > You couldn't get a better example than his behavior. I loved
> > when she accused me of being nasty, but not him!
> Au contraire, Pierre. I characterized one of his comebacks
> as "nastier invective." And I referred *three times* to
> his "offensive accusation," as well as calling it
> "obviously untrue." You apparently think the two latter
> characterizations are somehow less incriminating than
> "nasty."
> And here's the genuinely inadvertent irony:
> > Ravi shouldn't be egged on, it does not serve him well. Real
> > friends would try to help him realize that he can just relate
> > to people as equals, and it is OK that he is a hapless guy
> > with human desires trying to find his way.
> Try replacing "Ravi" with "Barry" in the above. Guess we
> can assume you're not Barry's "real friend," huh?
> This is a response to post #300880 if anyone wants to
> check the context:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
curtisdeltablues@ wrote:
> <snip>
> > What was my grievous offense, that might deserve this stretching
> > of the boundaries of propriety on a public board? And why should
> > I be the target since I had nothing whatsoever to do with this
> > discussion?
> VERY odd that Curtis has seen Jim's remarks as an attack
> on *him* when every one of them was unambiguously directed
> straight at Barry.
> Sorry, Curtis, but pretending you were their target doesn't
> work to protect Barry. If you *really* want to protect him
> from attack, try to get him to keep from compulsively
> attacking others, the way he did Jim a couple days ago,
> along with the rest of the folks on his Enemies List.
> > So we have two similar meltdowns which escalates the behavior
> > in public to the extreme in an attempt to express the rage
> > felt at being denied the one thing they most covet, and which
> > they feel entitled to: being treated as if they are the
> > specialist boy in the whole wide world. "Yes they are, yes
> > they are, where's that smile, there it is, there it is."
> >
> > Your outburst was childish and uncalled for Jim, as was Ravi's
> > before you. You seem like a kindergartner lacking in self-
> > awareness and self-control,(I hear TM is good for that.)
> > throwing obnoxious sand into the eyes of readers here. I hope
> > you will do a little introspection during your much deserved
> > time out.
> >
> > If you really look deeply into your heart of hearts, you may
> > find that I am not the only one who has doubts about your
> > superior state of mind. And if you can face that, I'm here to
> > say that it isn't so bad seeing yourself as an ordinary person.
> > Your self-delusion sets you up for this kind of fall. Why
> > don't you orally massage THAT lolli?
> Funny, I've never been inclined to commit myself to any
> particular view of either Jim's or Ravi's state of
> consciousness, and as far as I can tell neither of them
> gives a sh*t. I relate to them as "ordinary persons" who
> have their faults and their virtues like anybody else. I
> have no reason whatsoever to *resent* what they say about
> themselves, nor do I hold them to higher standards of
> behavior than those to which I hold others. I just enjoy
> what I like about each of them, and that seems to suit
> both of them just fine. I don't find them throwing
> obnoxious sand into my eyes.
> I might also point out that one of the tactics of the
> Troika, here employed by Curtis but pioneered and used
> constantly by Barry, is to portray humorous blowback in
> response to their insults as representing an enraged
> meltdown. The truth is, they *want* an enraged meltdown,
> and not getting it enrages *them*.

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