On Jan 9, 2012, at 4:30 PM, feste37 wrote:

> Ravi should be given a warning by the moderator and then unsubscribed if he 
> persists in his unacceptable behavior, which is dragging this forum down into 
> the gutter. It is all very well for Alex to say just filter him out, but he 
> takes up too much space to do that, given all his posts and the various 
> responses to them. Other threads get drowned out by this acting-out, 
> narcissistic adolescent whose only conversation is about himself.

Well it's interesting how far the same 'balls to the walls 'tude got him on a 
largely Hindu jyotish list: they enumerated the karmic flaws in his chart (he 
has the chart of a criminal, in multiple places) and then booted him after a 
well mannered tongue lashing!

Ravi please post your space time coordinates of birth! ;-)

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