On 01/12/2012 04:11 AM, Vaj wrote:
> On Jan 12, 2012, at 1:41 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
>> If you need attention (or even entertainment) so desperately
>> that you feel it's appropriate to write all this dreck, get
>> it from someone else. I find that level of neediness a total
>> turnoff, both in real life and in surreal cyberspace.
>> Advice? Get a life, then write about it. Living vicariously
>> on the lives of others is sooooo TM.
> Someone should start a cartoon, like the 'What Would Jesus Do?' series 
> "What Would Guru Dev Do?" or "What Would Marshy Do?"

As always, reading FFL on an email client reveals the anxiety index 
which is running very high right now.  My, my how FFL'ers become 
obsessive-compulsive about things.  A side effect of TM? :-D

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