I understand L B is doing fine working as an English teacher in Red China.  He 
was always a great teacher.  He is well employed doing that now.  He comes back 
to Fairfield every once in a while.  L B is one of my earliest friends around 
TM going back to the starting days of TM in Iowa.  He is an old TM teacher, and 
early student at MIU and was first student body president at MIU.  He had a 
good perspective.  He was actually born here in Jefferson County.  An Iowan.

Someone told me that they were talking to a President's Office adversary of L 
B's a little while ago and the nemisis asked after LB.  It was explained that 
LB had buried the hatchet (with the President's Office).  The President's 
Office guy responded wryly, "Yeah, pretty deep". 


> Just for the record, excerpts from two posts from December
> 2002 from LB Shriver, mentioned here as one of the "great
> posters":
> "To dismiss someone's experience the way you have and say
> that it means 'nothing' is just the mark of someone who is too
> prejudiced or too lazy to research an opinion that others could
> regard as worthy of consideration. Good luck getting people to
> take your other work seriously if this is the best you can do
> in a discussion with your peers."--#3165
> "...Your posts have repeatedly shown your lack of interest
> in healing and softness. Your predictable response is usually an
> ad hominem attact in which you assert with emphatic certainty
> that those who do not share your views are churlish
> misanthropes; immature, less-evolved losers; thought-criminals
> and terrorists who for some reason are intent on destroying the
> world's only hope for peace and happiness."--#3312
> Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose, eh?

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