--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Susan" <wayback71@...> wrote:
> Great idea, but way too logical and alarmingly measurable.  Hopefully, the 
> folks from the inner circle who scan these posts will hear of this.
> Here's another idea - open up a separate place in Ffld to do Program 
> (Probation Hall) for all those banned people who would really like to 
> meditate in the Domes.   Let them meditate and contribute to world peace etc, 
> but without contaminating the people in the regular Domes.  And if you attend 
> Probation Hall programs regularly, swear to your purity, OR make a large 
> donation, you can absolve your sins and work your way into the big Domes.  
> Problem solved.
> I do see from Buck's point of view how frustrating this whole situation is. 
> There is no way to get forgiveness on this issue.

Susan, Doug Hamilton has been on this from the earliest posts to this forum, 
long, long before I came on here. Post #6 and post #13:


He seems genuinely concerned about this disruption of community. As spiritual 
movements degenerate into religion (belief as opposed to direct experience) I 
suspect the resistance to testing the metaphysical underpinnings of the 
enterprise becomes more intense. There are many metaphysical ideas which have 
testable physical consequences because they are supposed to have a result in 
the world.

For example global warming does appear to be increasing. The Church of the 
Flying Spaghetti Monster (http://www.venganza.org/) claims this is because the 
number of pirates in the world is declining:


However the number of pirates on the high seas seems to have increased in the 
past couple of decades from something like 100 to perhaps 3000, largely because 
of Somalia. This is a serious theological threat to the Church of the Flying 
Spaghetti Monster (COTFSM) because the number of pirates is increasing, but 
global temperatures continue to rise. And there are of course online pirates 
that have increased significantly to, although, strictly speaking, the COTFSM 
is referring specifically to pirates on the high seas.

The Church here referred to is of course a parody of religious thought, but it 
is exactly the kind of thinking the TMO expects people to have. Anyone here on 
this forum who has a spiritual bent, not excluding me either, has probably 
fallen into the ridiculous logic promoted by this way of thinking one time or 
another, even without realising it. What we see here on the forum is people 
that are in various stages of breaking away from that misguided logic, and 
trying to come to terms with existence as it is, not as we think it ought to 
be, or more particularly, as someone else thinks we ought to think it to be.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" <anartaxius@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" <dhamiltony2k5@> wrote:
> >  
> > > Is a shame to see the Invincible courses come towards an end because the 
> > > TM Rajas could not get effective numbers of meditators together.
> > 
> > Rather than a shame, it seems more like stupidity. Why do they not, on 
> > their own, have a yagya performed to get more people into the domes? this 
> > would be a loose test of the effectiveness of yagyas, and if effective, it 
> > would solve their own difficulty with assembling their own technology, 
> > bringing the numbers up to snuff. Then, according to the theory, it should 
> > no longer be necessary to perform yagyas to avert the dangers they 
> > themselves have engendered, as the dome numbers would take care of that.
> > 
> > Could be they do not believe their own hype.
> >

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