--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Xenophaneros Anartaxius" 
<anartaxius@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Susan" <wayback71@> wrote:
> >
> > Great idea, but way too logical and alarmingly measurable.  Hopefully, the 
> > folks from the inner circle who scan these posts will hear of this.
> > 
> > Here's another idea - open up a separate place in Ffld to do Program 
> > (Probation Hall) for all those banned people who would really like to 
> > meditate in the Domes.   Let them meditate and contribute to world peace 
> > etc, but without contaminating the people in the regular Domes.  And if you 
> > attend Probation Hall programs regularly, swear to your purity, OR make a 
> > large donation, you can absolve your sins and work your way into the big 
> > Domes.  Problem solved.
> > 
> > I do see from Buck's point of view how frustrating this whole situation is. 
> > There is no way to get forgiveness on this issue.
> Susan, Doug Hamilton has been on this from the earliest posts to this forum, 
> long, long before I came on here. Post #6 and post #13:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/6
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/13
> He seems genuinely concerned about this disruption of community. As spiritual 
> movements degenerate into religion (belief as opposed to direct experience) I 
> suspect the resistance to testing the metaphysical underpinnings of the 
> enterprise becomes more intense. There are many metaphysical ideas which have 
> testable physical consequences because they are supposed to have a result in 
> the world.
> For example global warming does appear to be increasing. The Church of the 
> Flying Spaghetti Monster (http://www.venganza.org/) claims this is because 
> the number of pirates in the world is declining:
> http://www.venganza.org/images/PiratesVsTemp.png

A graph!  Aha. That proves it. Thanks:-)
> However the number of pirates on the high seas seems to have increased in the 
> past couple of decades from something like 100 to perhaps 3000, largely 
> because of Somalia. This is a serious theological threat to the Church of the 
> Flying Spaghetti Monster (COTFSM) because the number of pirates is 
> increasing, but global temperatures continue to rise. And there are of course 
> online pirates that have increased significantly to, although, strictly 
> speaking, the COTFSM is referring specifically to pirates on the high seas.
> The Church here referred to is of course a parody of religious thought, but 
> it is exactly the kind of thinking the TMO expects people to have. Anyone 
> here on this forum who has a spiritual bent, not excluding me either, has 
> probably fallen into the ridiculous logic promoted by this way of thinking 
> one time or another, even without realising it. What we see here on the forum 
> is people that are in various stages of breaking away from that misguided 
> logic, and trying to come to terms with existence as it is, not as we think 
> it ought to be, or more particularly, as someone else thinks we ought to 
> think it to be.

Very well said..I too am in that process and it is interesting and not always 
comfortable at all.  Sometimes I miss the fairy tale mentality and the feeling 
that I am pretty certain about things. For example, I wish I still believed in 
reincarnation, but am now not so sure at all about that.  Also, it seems more 
and more likely that awakening is  just a brain state that we encourage thru 
various practices.  It results in the death of the ego, so those who are 
awakened in this way have, in  a sense, already died.  Of course, they are also 
seeing things more for the way they really are, which is good - I think.  So 
they don't really care about life after death since there is no I anyway.  I 
ramble...... and am not thinking so clearly, but you get it.

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