--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Emily Reyn <emilymae.reyn@...> wrote:
> <snip>
> > "But Robin just couldn't let it alone. *Following Judy's
> > lead* he kept trying to harrangue Curtis into dissing
> > me publicly for having dissed him publicly."
> Barry, while you are of course, welcome to your interpretation 
> of Robin's tenure here and your opinions on his posts. 
> What I have snipped above is an ongoing pattern of yours. 
> You never seem to get through a post that isn't a movie review 
> without somehow assuming that Judy has some kind of control 
> over other posters, which is an insult to the forum participants 
> indirectly, as it assumes that we don't think for ourselves, and 
> also shows how completely "obsessed" you are with her. 

It might. In this case, where did Robin get his oft-repeated
claims that Vaj was not a TM teacher and a chronic liar 
*except* from Judy, or from someone who picked that meme up
from her? She started it. He was definitely influenced. If 
that makes you feel that he didn't think for himself, I 
leave you to that assessment.

> I think I'm seeing a TREND :) Of course you don't like her 
> and she has alluded to similar feelings about you, so it 
> cracks me up that you continually give her so much power 
> in your posts. 

These days I am mainly making predictions. Whether she
fulfills them is up to her.

> I completely disagree that Robin "followed Judy's lead." Robin 
> is a true individual and threw himself out here with a lot of 
> courage *as an individual*, and not on the coat tails of anyone. 

I beg to disagree. First, he rode in on the coattails of
Maharishi and his time of notoriety first hanging with him
and then trying to drag him into court. I (admitting that
I didn't read much of what he wrote) only saw one original
idea in anything he wrote -- the whole God Having A Tantrum
thing after the Allies bombed a monastery because of bad
intelligence, and being so pissed off about it that He 
withdrew Himself from the world. Pretty much everything 
else he said came from someone else, be it MMY or Aquinas,
or some poet or pop singer. Call me crazy, but I don't
see "individual" in that. Your mileage may vary.

For the record, if anyone feels that Robin *did* post some
ideas that were original with him, please post them. 

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