219685, 219685, 219685, 219685, 219685
219685, 219685, 219685, 219685, 219685

219685, 219685, 219685, 219685, 219685

219685, 219685, 219685, 219685, 219685

219685, 219685, 219685, 219685, 219685

I'm not going to make it to 108 - can I stop at 25?.  I will require more 
mindfulness than is afforded by the glass of wine poured to listen to the 
beautiful Natalie Cole. Yes, us newbies (at least me) are truly grateful for 
the demons fought and slain in getting FFL to implement a posting limit.  The 
right to post out is an important one, a battle hard fought it seems.  I bow 
down before the elders....but I will never kiss your lotus feet.    

 From: azgrey <no_re...@yahoogroups.com>
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2012 4:23 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Judyatri Mantra


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@...> wrote:
> In my post #303289, I made some predictions as to what Judy and to a
> lesser extent her partner-in-character-assassination Raunchydog would DO
> in the wake of Robin's self-destruction. In my opinion they did exactly
> what I predicted that week. This week, I started my own "posting week"
> by commenting on a comment from Ann that Judy had "come out of the gate
> like a racehorse" with a further comment and prediction: "And, for yet
> another week, intent on proving she's obsessed with Barry, Curtis, and
> Vaj." I contend that she did exactly that. I won't bother to count the
> number of posts in which she tried her best to turn the conversation
> here at FFL back to the "Gotta get Barry, Curtis and Vaj" meme; you can
> do that yourselves if you want. My bet is that well over 50% of her
> posts this last week can be seen as falling into that category.
> What I think Ann and other newbies don't perceive -- yet -- is how much
> of a PATTERN this is. It is NOT in any way "prescience" or "seeing" on
> my part in being able to predict this behavior on Judy's part. It's
> simply the result of having done what I encouraged newbs to do for
> themselves -- WATCH.
> Judy is pretty much monotopical. Sooner or later, EVERYTHING comes back
> to the same tired old topic, which I characterize as the Judyatri
> Mantra:
> Barry is Bad. Curtis is Bad. Vaj is Bad.
> All this is nothing but Bad.
> If you don't join me in condemning this Badness
> I'll add you to the Bad List, too.
> This is not new, newbs. This has been going on for YEARS. I would bet
> that there is not a single person on this forum -- *including*
> Raunchydog -- who doesn't see Judy as more than a little obsessed with
> her Triumverate Of Badness. She has *consistently* spent a huge
> percentage of her posts every week, FOR YEARS, 1) trying to demonize
> them, and 2) trying to get other people to demonize them, too. It's just
> what she does; it's pretty much ALL that she does.
> And I understand why. First, intellectually, she's a bit of a
> lightweight. She really doesn't have that much to say, other than to
> "edit" the posts of people who DO have something to say. She never
> became a TM teacher, she never committed full-time to TM or any other
> spiritual organization, and she's had no experiences of any of the
> higher states of consciousness she loves to argue about *as if she were
> knowledgeable about them*. She's just a parrot, echoing other people's
> thoughts, a mere skidmark on the underwear of spirituality. She can't
> dish up any real shit herself, because she's never experienced any. :-)
> Second, as mentioned by emptybill recently, she *lives* to argue. She's
> like Uncle Remus' tarbaby. Like Robin, she thrives on sucking people
> into arguments with her and then doing everything she can possibly think
> of to keep them from "getting away," and escaping from the argument.
> Third, she's (in my opinion) an angry, bitter, frustrated old woman who
> forms long-term grudges, forms vendettas based on those grudges, and
> then pursues them with a one-pointed diligence that can only be
> described as obsession. The BarryCurtisVaj Triumvirate are only the
> latest in the enemies she's obsessed on over the years. Newbies here,
> for example, might not know about a website that one of her former
> enemies -- a prize-winning journalist named Andrew Skolnick who
> criticized TM, the TMO and Maharishi, "coincidentally" the same way that
> BarryCurtisVaj have -- put together to mock her, *using her own words*
> to illustrate what kind of person she was:
> http://www.aaskolnick.com/junkyarddog/
> <http://www.aaskolnick.com/junkyarddog/>
> Glance through this site if you want. Notice that Judy's language and
> approach when attempting to demonize a TM critic *has not changed* in
> any of the years since.
> As far as I can tell, nothing is ever going to enable Judy Stein to
> change this "Gotta 'get' my enemies" samskara she is trapped in. I had
> hoped that, with her "backup singers" Ravi, Robin and Jim out of the
> picture, me pointing out what she does proactively, in the form of
> predictions, would wake her up enough so that she might try something
> else. It didn't. She has kept the same Judyatri Mantra going ever since.
> And IMO she will continue it in the future. Hate is literally all she's
> got to bring to the table.
> So me writing this screed is NOT an attempt to change her in any way.
> Can't happen. She really DOESN'T have any free will when it comes to
> obsessing on her enemies. My purpose in writing this is for the newbies,
> to clue them in on what's going to happen.
> Judy is going to try to "recruit you" into joining her in dissing and
> demonizing her Triumverate Of Badness -- Barry, Curtis, and Vaj. You may
> be persuaded by her constant attempts to do this, and join her in her
> obsession if you want. Your opinions are your own, and you are welcome
> to them. But please don't say you weren't warned about what was going to
> happen. You're being recruited to chant Judy's version of a holy mantra,
> as surely as if you were being recruited to join the Hare Krishnas.
> Repeat after her:
> Barry is Bad. Curtis is Bad. Vaj is Bad.
> All this is nothing but Bad.
> If you don't join me in condemning this Badness
> I'll add you to the Bad List, too.

Dear Uncle Tantra, 

Thank you for this inspiring post. I found it almost Upanishadic
in its wisdom and scope. Skidmark indeed. That truly brought a
tear to my eye and sums it up perfectly. Coupled with post
# 219685, it would be even more effective than a RWC seminar
in ridding FFL of wraithful hungry malevolent ghosts. In the 
Tibetan sense of course.

"Beggar with withered legs sits sideways on skateboard, grinning
There's a joke going on somewhere but we'll never know
Those laughing kids with hungry eyes must be in on it too
With their clinging memories of a culture crushed
By Chinese greed

Pretty young mother by the temple gate
Covers her baby's face against diesel fumes
That look of concern - you can see it still -
Not yet masked by the hard lines of a woman's
Struggle to survive 

Hard bargains going down

When you're living on the Tibetan side of town." 

---Bruce Cockburn 

Perhaps, Uncle Tantra, we could gather around this electronic
hearth we refer to as FFL, and you could recount the story, for the
newer members, of how the posting limits began. Back when 
Archer the Great gathered the powers gained from the Unified
Field and brought great peace to browsers across the land in 
a battle fought on the fields of Jefferson County dharma by 
slaying the beasts that wished to stifle truth and fruitful interaction
by endless and repeated posting that they knew to be entirely 
censorious in nature. These new members are fortunate to have
never witnessed others who, not limited to 50 posts and forced 
to stifle themselves after 2 days, would post upwards of 250 posts
in a week. All with the wish of maliciously silencing opposing views.
Now, all across the land, the internal chant of free speech, "Go Judy
Go!" is reverently chanted 108 times. 

If that doesn't get the point across, surely the "death threat" would.
That was as batshit crazy as could possibly be.

Truly, Skidmark Stein is the gift that keeps on giving. 


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