Ohhh, Barry what are you going to do now? I am not sure if I will respect you 
more if you do respond or if my estimation will go through the roof if you 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <jstein@...> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb <no_reply@> wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater <no_reply@> wrote:
> > >
> > > Whew, I missed this post yesterday morning. Barry, you 
> > > must have gotten out of bed yesterday having laid there 
> > > for hours composing this in your head. 
> > 
> > No, it was spontaneous, over coffee, just the result
> > of watching another week of what has been going on
> > for seventeen years. 
> > 
> > > Talk about coming out of the gate like a racehorse. 
> > > This has practically taken my breath away.
> > > 
> > > Now this is the first really mean post I have seen and, 
> > > yes I am the newbie so I'm sure this "ain't nothin'", 
> > > but I think it's something. There is obviously lots of 
> > > history and animosity here for Judy on your part 
> > > because it just exploded all over my screen.
> > 
> > Ann, it's just that I was hoping (naively) that now
> > that Judy's minions (and they *were* minions)
> No, they weren't.
> Minion:
> 1 : a servile dependent, follower, or underling
> 2 : one highly favored  : IDOL
> 3 : a subordinate or petty official
> They were folks who independently came to the same
> conclusions I did about a number of things. The most
> you could say was that we were each others' de facto
> allies on those issues.
> The basis for the "minion" charge is simple: If more
> than one person sees the same thing, it's harder to
> justify the claim that whatever they're seeing isn't
> really the case.
> > have
> > bit the dust, she might give the "Gotta get Barry/
> > Curtis/Vaj" thing a break, even for a week or two. 
> > Silly me.
> Indeed. Barry seems to be suggesting that if Vaj and
> Curtis were suddenly to disappear from FFL, he would
> give his "Gotta get Judy" thing a break. Otherwise
> why would he recommend a similar course of action to
> me?
> > Any animosity on my part is the result of having
> > spent SEVENTEEN YEARS knowing that almost every
> > day of those years I could look forward to one or
> > more posts from Judy dissing or actively demonizing
> > one of these three people.
> False on its face, since Curtis and Vaj weren't
> on alt.m.t for some years after I first encountered
> Barry there in 1995.
> But also false in a much deeper sense: Barry is trying
> to pretend that none of them ever dissed or actively
> demonized me. In fact, I could say exactly the same as
> what Barry claims about the 17 years he and I have been
> on alt.m.t and then FFL, even after he decided a couple
> years ago that he wasn't going to respond directly to
> any of my posts.
> He started attacking me before I even arrived on FFL,
> as I discovered when I read some of the past traffic.
>  Yes, if you're a newbie
> > here, and used to dealing with sane people, this
> > sounds like a crazy claim. But we're talking about
> > Judy, and she's bat shit crazy. It really HAS been
> > going on (in my case) for seventeen years. In Vaj's
> > and Curtis', slightly less, but also for YEARS. 
> > We're fuckin' tired of it.
> Actually Curtis has told Barry a number of times that
> he enjoys my challenges. And of course I've called Vaj
> to account much less often than Barry. Vaj has
> repeatedly accused me of lying when he knows I haven't
> lied. He's never even attempted to document a lie from
> me, whereas I've documented *many* of his lies.
> Barry lies routinely; that's one of the major reasons
> I go after him. I've documented countless lies of his.
> If they're "fuckin' tired of it," they ought to resolve
> to tell the truth.
> > > Now far be it for me to "fight other people's fights 
> > > here", I gather that is just not done, everyone is a 
> > > grown up and more than capable of looking after 
> > > themselves. But Barry, can I object to some of the 
> > > imagery here, uh let's see, which is the most odious, 
> > > oh yea, let's start with, "She's just a parrot, 
> > > echoing other people's thoughts, a mere skidmark 
> > > on the underwear of spirituality."
> > 
> > That's how I see her importance in the history of 
> > spiritual thought. I kinda liked the image. Too bad 
> > if you did't like it.
> > 
> > > So now we are on to the scatological references, you 
> > > can usually count on something like this to come out 
> > > of the mouth of a 12 year old but having seen your 
> > > picture I know you have to be older than that possibly 
> > > even a grandfather based on the fact you are cradling 
> > > a small and beautiful infant in one of them? Come on 
> > > Barry.
> > 
> > It was written for effect. Obviously, it worked. It
> > is also my honest opinion of her intellectual worth.
> It's not Barry's honest opinion of my intellectual
> worth, actually, and I could dig up quotes from Barry
> from FFL and alt.m.t to the contrary. Or maybe he was
> lying in *those* posts, who knows?
> > > Now this post is probably partly meant for me, being 
> > > the innocent on the block, but the tone and manner of 
> > > the posting is enough to warn me off of YOU, not her. 
> > 
> > Fine. I was just telling you what to expect. WAIT AND
> > SEE. If it doesn't happen, I was wrong. If you're still
> > around, get back to me a year from now and tell me then
> > that I was wrong.
> Here's my prediction, from last week:
> > > I'll make a bold prediction: It will depend on how long
> > > the criticisms of Robin continue, because I'll continue
> > > to defend him against what I see as unfair judgments. If
> > > the Robin topic fades, the "trend" of my criticizing the
> > > Big Three will depend on how many posts they make that I
> > > disagree with. If Ann sticks around and participates in
> > > non-Robin-related topics with the same perspicacity she's
> > > dealt with those that *were* Robin-related, I'll no doubt
> > > express appreciation of her posts. Same with Raunchy.
> > > Could be I might disagree with either or both of them
> > > on some issue or other. I've certainly had a fair number
> > > of previous disagreements with Raunchy.
> > >
> > > Other than that, I'll make comments, pro, con, or neutral,
> > > on whatever else is being discussed, depending on how I
> > > feel about the topic.
> That's really quite an easy prediction to make, since it's
> based on what I've been doing on FFL all along (and before
> that on alt.m.t). I have no reason to think that might
> change.
> > Try noticing every time Judy finds the
> > need to demonize one of the three of us for even the
> > next *month* and see if she might just be a tad obsessed
> > by the need to do so.
> But note what percentage of my "demonizing" posts are in
> response to demonizations, of me or others, by them.
> BTW, "demonize" is Barry's term for "criticize" or
> even just "disagree with." That is, when someone he
> doesn't like does it.
>  I'm not telling you what to believe,
> > merely suggesting to you some trends you might just telling 
> > you might look for.
> > 
> > > I can only chalk it up to years of frustration and anger 
> > > you have felt as a result of her dialogues with you. 
> > 
> > You would be correct in this assumption.
> Barry means, but of course will not acknowledge, that
> his frustration and anger are functions of his inability
> to hold his own in debates with me. His debating chops
> have always been poor; he relies on distortion and flat-
> out falsehood to make his case, and he has no sense of
> fairness (as his current posts demonstrate). That makes
> him easy to take down and discredit, which is just too
> hard on his self-image. That's why he won't interact
> with me directly any longer and pretends not to read my
> posts, so he doesn't have to expose himself to that kind
> of embarrassment.
> These days he limits himself to attacking me indirectly,
> then claiming it's crazy for me to respond to his
> attacks when he doesn't read my posts or interact with
> me. Doesn't make any sense, of course, but that's his
> story, and he's sticking to it.
> > > You have had more than enough. So why are you still 
> > > talking to her, talking ABOUT her?? 
> > 
> > Because she's still actively trying to suck others into
> > her obsession, and often succeeding. The last generation
> > of her dedicated minions have now bit the dust, and she's 
> > obviously ramping up to recruit a new generation of them.
> This is obvious nonsense. I've never tried to "recruit"
> anybody, and I'm not about to start now. Don't even know
> how I'd go about it. I say what I think, and if someone
> agrees with me, that's their choice.
> Note that Barry tries to discourage folks from agreeing
> with me by painting those who do as my "minions" whom
> I've "recruited." I don't think he's been very
> successful with that tactic because it's so insulting
> to the intelligence. But if anybody actively tries to
> "recruit" other posters, it's Barry.
> <snip>
> > Vaj is far from the only person
> > here to suggest that she's pretty much textbook Border-
> > line Personality Disordered.
> Uh, yes, he's about the only person here to make that
> suggestion. Barry, of course, has echoed it. If you
> were to actually look at a textbook, or DSM-IV, and
> find out what the characteristics of BPD were, however,
> you'd see how absurd that suggestion is.
> > Here's an experiment for you. I'll stop talking about her,
> > for at least the next week. And I'll try my best not to 
> > "attack" others here, as she claims I do and as she uses 
> > as an excuse to keep attacking me. If she continues to 
> > attack me, and the others on her Enemies List, then a
> > case can be made for me being right. If that doesn't 
> > happen, I was wrong.
> I've often suggested to Barry that he try an experiment
> like this. I suspect he's actually done so several times,
> but without announcing it. And if that's the case, the
> only result he'd have been able to report was that he was
> wrong. When he behaves himself, I don't attack him.
> But in all fairness he can't include Vaj and Curtis unless
> they also agree not to attack me or others for a week.
>  I have left all of the power in
> > this situation up to her. And I have left the ability
> > to judge it up to people like you. Try to do so. But
> > don't be naive enough to try to judge based on three
> > weeks' experience.
> > 
> > Get back to me in three months and tell me what you
> > think then. Deal?
> Wait, I thought it was only for a week that Barry said
> he'd refrain from attacks. Is he now extending that to
> three months?
> BTW, if it's only a week, it starts tomorrow, not last
> week when he first proposed it.
> And as I noted in an earlier post, he can't make any
> identifiable references to me.
> If he wants, he can have until 8:00 a.m. EST tomorrow
> (Saturday) to respond to any of the posts I've made
> this evening, but he'd be wise to make them
> unobjectionable. If he attacks me, I'll smack him
> right back, and it won't count against me.
> As of now, I have nothing more on the docket to say
> in response to Barry, so if he behaves himself, we
> can both start tomorrow with a clean slate. And if he
> can play by the rules, we'll see how this little
> experiment works out.

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