--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seekliberation" <seekliberation@...> 
> As much as I don't care for Obama, there's not really much to complain about. 
>  What are our choices?  The GOP hasn't put out any enlightening choices this 
> time around.  No one is contesting Obama for the Democrat nomination.  So 
> we're stuck with him another 4 years.
> Worst of all, whether democrat or republican, each party has increased the 
> deficit for the past 35+ years.  So once again, we can't really blame either 
> party for what they are BOTH doing.  
> My personal opinion, although dark and gloomy, is that we're not going to fix 
> this problem unless the system collapses.  Americans, from what i've observed 
> in this life, live for the 'now'.  People don't want to suck it up for a few 
> years and make significant cuts in our govt spending to save our economy.  It 
> seems we think we can go on living like this without anything collapsing.  
> To me, America is no different than a young couple who keep maxing out credit 
> cards with no plan to pay off their debt.  They just have an attitude of 
> entitlement to the things they buy.  Sooner or later they'll have to declare 
> bankruptcy and their lives will be even harder than if they would've been 
> responsible from day 1.
> seekliberation

Right on Bro....., America is following the footsteps of Greece, IMHO. And yes, 
BOTH parties are responsible.

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