BTW, thanks for posting this.  I finally got back and read the whole 
thing later yesterday.  What Occupy should do now is form a political 
party.  It would scare the beejeezuz out of the rich.  As Wolff points 
out FDR was able finance government jobs by raising the taxes on the 
rich and got the rich to go along because they feared the socialists and 
communists would take over otherwise.  Nobody these days would join 
those two parties but they probably would an Occupy Party.

On 02/24/2012 10:06 AM, Emily Reyn wrote:
> I typed out pieces of this interview before it was posted online by the 
> magazine.  I don't read much real economics, but I subscribe to this 
> magazine.  Wolff, of course, believes capitalism is a failing system as 
> currently structured. This is the whole interview.
> ________________________________
>   From: seekliberation<>
> To:
> Sent: Friday, February 24, 2012 9:21 AM
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Obama's New Campaign Slogan...
> As much as I don't care for Obama, there's not really much to complain about. 
>  What are our choices?  The GOP hasn't put out any enlightening choices this 
> time around.  No one is contesting Obama for the Democrat nomination.  So 
> we're stuck with him another 4 years.
> Worst of all, whether democrat or republican, each party has increased the 
> deficit for the past 35+ years.  So once again, we can't really blame either 
> party for what they are BOTH doing.
> My personal opinion, although dark and gloomy, is that we're not going to fix 
> this problem unless the system collapses.  Americans, from what i've observed 
> in this life, live for the 'now'.  People don't want to suck it up for a few 
> years and make significant cuts in our govt spending to save our economy.  It 
> seems we think we can go on living like this without anything collapsing.
> To me, America is no different than a young couple who keep maxing out credit 
> cards with no plan to pay off their debt.  They just have an attitude of 
> entitlement to the things they buy.  Sooner or later they'll have to declare 
> bankruptcy and their lives will be even harder than if they would've been 
> responsible from day 1.
> seekliberation
> --- In, "wgm4u"<anitaoaks4u@...>  wrote:
>> "Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you 
>> Food Stamps and Unemployment Checks." Da King James (soul version), Matthew 
>> 11:28, (Special Ebonics translation).

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