In a message dated 8/18/05 8:01:33 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Take a look here, please:

Judy, I read your web site titled Hypocrites. Did you? I found about 14 quotes made in the national media, the rest in local new papers and occasional press releases, and a few were duplicates. Out of the 14 in national media, few  were harshly critical of the Clinton administration ,most asked questions or had a personal comment which should have been easily answered. None with the exception of maybe a few by Delay and one or two by Pat Buchanan took on a more critical tone. Pat Buchanan's comments on Meet the Press dated 4/25/99 being the harshest. However I find it hard to even compare these few comments by Republicans to be anywhere  close to the number or quality of rhetoric that we have found spewed and eagerly reported from the left by the mainstream national media today. During the war in Kosovo we didn't see an organized effort to stop it or discredit it like we see now although the case could have been made and not many people wanted our involvement in it from the get go. The fact is we went to Kosovo based on a lie. Remember, we went there to stop the ethnic cleansing of the Albanian nationals by ethnic Serbs. When all was said and done I can only recall one mass grave being found which contained about 24 KLA terrorists that had been caught and executed. We the public had been convinced there were numerous mass graves with hundreds if not thousands of dead in them and we had to stop the mass murder. Now it turns out the Albanians( Muslims, some with ties to Al Qaeda) have been suppressing the ethnic Serbs driving them away from their homes and villages they have lived in for hundreds of years. All we accomplished was taking a region away from one group of people and giving it to another who never lived there as a majority in the first place. Now you have Albanian nationals pouring into Kosovo like Mexicans into Arizona. As I recall we were all told by the Clinton administration that our troops would be home by Christmas. Trouble is, he didn't say WHICH Christmas.

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Maharishi university of management Maharishi mahesh yogi Ramana maharshi


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