On 03/21/2012 10:09 AM, wgm4u wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu<noozguru@...>  wrote:
>> A 15 trillion dollar debt cannot be solved.  The US will just have to
>> collapse.  And it will when the dollar collapses which is forthcoming.
>> Oops, I forgot, maybe the "magic pundits" can save us. :-D
>> May you live in interesting times.
> What happened to "Yes we can"? Where's the "hope" AND "change"?, Oh well, 
> politics as usual, I could have told you that about Obama.
> Obama has always been nothing but a consolidation of the left wing liberal 
> elite! You've been had, we used to call people like that "silver tongued 
> devils", deal with it!

Elite as in the right-wing elite?  The people like Koch brothers who you 
hope will pee money on you?  Trust me they won't.  They want you to 
crawl away and die.  Republican's have had you too.  And they think 
you're a "heathen" because you practice meditation. So you deal with it!

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