On 03/27/2012 04:32 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
>>>>> What are you going to do then - ask for a
>>>>> federal government bailout?
>>> Bhairitu:
>>>> So you are anti-union too.  Let's see a war
>>>> monger and anti-union and above all else a
>>>> fascist.  And even worse, a Texan! Don't
>>>> forget to iron your brown shirts today.
>>> Very impressive, but that kind of talk won't
>>> pay your city water bill or provide garbage
>>> collection, not to mention your police and
>>> fire department.
> Bhairitu:
>> Those are paid by property taxes, stupid.
> Not everyone pays property taxes.
>> And yes I pay too much.  We need to do away
>> with Prop 13.
>>> If Romney is elected, he will NOT want to be
>>> bailing out California. So, I can see why
>>> you're acting so scared.
>> This country won't elect a Mormon so I don't
>> think I have much to worry about. I more
>> concerned about Obama's Wall Street cronies.
>> Californians would like to see our share of
>> federal funds however instead of wasting them
>> on Afghanistan.
> "Ryan is arguing that we are on an unsustainable
> course that will lead inevitably to a debt crisis
> requiring far more painful adjustments than
> anything he is proposing. He notes that the
> Congressional Budget Office cannot even model
> the economy past 2027 because of looming debt.
> Think Greece..."
> 'Ryan's budget kicks the can at timorous Democrats'
> Washington Examiner, March 20, 2012
> http://tinyurl.com/865wanm

I just came back from seeing "Hunger Games".  The elite in the film 
seemed a bit cartoonish and overblown but then I think of idiots like 
Paul Ryan and decide maybe not.  What is unsustainable and we don't need 
are these wars of empire.   Ryan should propose cutting those but he's a 
pig and won't.

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