On 03/29/2012 08:32 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
> Bhairitu:
>> What is unsustainable and we don't need
>> are these wars of empire. Ryan should
>> propose cutting those but he's a pig and
>> won't.
> What is unsustainable are federal entitlements,
> the largest part of the federal deficit.
> Are you suggesting that the U.S. break all it's
> treaties and pull all it's troops out of Europe
> and Asia and then continue to run up our debt?
> You're not making any sense.
> But, yeah, compared to the Obama administration's
> proposed budget, Ryan's is brilliant!
> <http://www.heritage.org/budgetchartbook/defense-spending-entitlement-sp\
> ending-problem>
> 'House rejects Bowles-Simpson, Obama budgets'
> Washington Times, March 28, 2012
> http://tinyurl.com/7kk9tmv<http://tinyurl.com/7kk9tmv>

Entitlements?  You PAID for your social security, it wasn't just given 
to you.  You PAID for your medicare, it wasn't just given to you.  Stop 
being a fool.  Stop listening to those right wing crooks who want you to 
crawl away and die.

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